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Responses: 4
SrA John Monette
who can remember those minor phone calls about nothing important in the middle of the worst day in this country's history in 20 years
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CWO3 Us Marine
Good ole "Gym" Jordan choked on the video. Looking at the ceiling was a tell. Searching for his next lie.
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CPL LaForest Gray
In 2020’ going into 2021’ ... what you think/thought couldn’t happen in the #usa #america #amerikkka is currently happening and 99.9% of citizens are deers in the headlights. 2017’ was the rally/battle cry ... in 2020 you’ve got :

“Why 780 retired generals and former national security leaders spoke out against Trump”.

Source : https://www.google.com/amp/s/news.yahoo.com/amphtml/why-780-retired-generals-and-former-national-security-leaders-spoke-out-against-trump-204428356.html


COVID-19 was a PSYOP {All Coronavirus are real }... they test ran :

1.) Population Compliance
2.) Population Control
3.) Rapid Law Enforcement Response
4.) Rapid EMT Response
5.) Mis-Information
6.) The showed & told you that both law enforcement and the U.S. National Guard were on the streets to protect property and make arrest.

*7.) Gun & Ammo hasn’t ran out, yet : Water/Lysol/Toilet Paper/Essential living items are still short & overpriced ... #supplyanddemand

#coup #Stalin #Hitler #MuammaralQaddafi

“A coup does not always entail shooting, and it does not always mean a transfer of power. Sometimes, the perpetrators of a coup are already the leaders of a country, in firm control of the government and its entire security apparatus.

These leaders came to office legally (more or less) and may continue to command popular support (or at least a “base”). They launch a coup not to overthrow the government, but to throw off constraints on their own power”.

*** Disclaimer : This a repost from myself, because people are tooooo comfortable with the status quo. ***

“I will not apologize for telling the FACTS, in a world that worship the lies”.

U.S. Army Veteran
12 1/2 years Honorable Service
ODS Vet : Support Garrison
OEF/OFI Vet : Deployed to Theatre
No Political Affiliation

*** this a repost from myself ***

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