Posted on Aug 27, 2018
What was the purpose of the higher Specialist ranks? | RallyPoint
Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 12
If we didn't have to deal with a fixed forced structure (limited size) it might be a valid argument. However, every "non-leader" takes up a slot that can be filled by a "leader" in the pyramid shaped organization.
An unfortunate reality is that we must deal with "attrition" not only from people getting out, but also succession planning. We are constantly grooming the next BN, BDE, Div CSM & CO from within our own ranks. We don't have the luxury of promoting from outside the organization(s).
So... we can bring back "specialists" which is going to exacerbate a bad situation, not make it better. Or... we can use Civilians (Government & Contractors) to accomplish those goals. There is no inherent Right to serve. If someone wants to continue serving, they must be useful to the force, which in the modern era means being BOTH Tactically (Leader) and Technically (Specialized) proficient.
An unfortunate reality is that we must deal with "attrition" not only from people getting out, but also succession planning. We are constantly grooming the next BN, BDE, Div CSM & CO from within our own ranks. We don't have the luxury of promoting from outside the organization(s).
So... we can bring back "specialists" which is going to exacerbate a bad situation, not make it better. Or... we can use Civilians (Government & Contractors) to accomplish those goals. There is no inherent Right to serve. If someone wants to continue serving, they must be useful to the force, which in the modern era means being BOTH Tactically (Leader) and Technically (Specialized) proficient.
SFC Ralph E Kelley
I see the point you are making. Is that primarily a view for the USMC only? I can understand why the Marines would have those complications.
Way back when, I had a great combat engineer in my platoon who, in addition, maintained the best 5 ton dump in the battalion. That’s all he wanted to do. After years as a Spec 4, we convinced him to take the promotion to SGT. After six months, he told us he couldn’t hack it and wanted back to Spec 4 (any way he could). The complete chain, including myself, worked with him during that six month period, but it wasn’t in him to tell others what to do (although he advised everyone on the ins and out of that Five dump). Naturally, he eventually fell under QMP as was forced out.
I’m in the school that believes that sometimes (as a qualified exception), it’s worth keeping a subject matter expert at their level of competence, even if it doesn’t meet the “up or out” policy of the Army.
Late addition (edit). In this day of “tightening” pool of available talent, it may benefit the Army to allocate a few slots for career spec 4-6’s.
I’m in the school that believes that sometimes (as a qualified exception), it’s worth keeping a subject matter expert at their level of competence, even if it doesn’t meet the “up or out” policy of the Army.
Late addition (edit). In this day of “tightening” pool of available talent, it may benefit the Army to allocate a few slots for career spec 4-6’s.
SFC Ralph E Kelley
A great comment - Good technic skills lost to the Army because, "We can't adapt." ???
Kinda goes against the grain, but I saw it again and again.
Kinda goes against the grain, but I saw it again and again.
Absolutely. The Army needs talent, and that talent is not always cut out for Leadership. I know we tend to over emphasize leadership, but without talented managers and parts changers, the mission would fail just as surely as it would without quality leadership.
SFC Ralph E Kelley
MAJ Ken Landgren - Thank you for the comment. I need to think on that. Any details available or sources?
MAJ Hugh Blanchard
Especially when you think about the new skills we need like Cyber, bringing back the higher specialist ranks makes sense to me.
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