Posted on Jan 16, 2021
Iranian missiles land within 20 miles of ship, 100 miles from Nimitz strike group in Indian...
Posted 4 y ago
Responses: 5
“Fairly routine” when N. Korea launches missiles that fall short of Japan. US and Soviet Union played these games for more than 40 yrs and called it the Cold War. Surprised we haven’t come up with a name for the same crap when it comes to Iran and N. Korea.
No big surprise here..... I've originally dealt with Iran during the Iranian Hostage Crisis, as well as Operation Ernest Will, and then limited situations during Operation Desert Storm. Iran has been stirring this pot since the beginning of time. This newest incident kinda is like a rerun of Operation Praying Mantis <1988> IMHO.
There's a navy video URL link within this one worthy of watching.....
I'm curious if our Command & Control structure has the testicular fortitude that our then CIC, POTUS Regan had.
There's a navy video URL link within this one worthy of watching.....
I'm curious if our Command & Control structure has the testicular fortitude that our then CIC, POTUS Regan had.
On 18 April 1988, the U.S. Navy launched Operation Praying Mantis against Iranian targets in the Arabian Gulf in retaliation for USS Samuel B. Roberts (FFG-58) mining four days earlier, which blew an immense hole in the ship’s hull. Ten Sailors from Samuel B. Roberts sustained severe injuries. Four were seriously burned. Commander Paul X. Rinn was hurt as well. The ship should have sunk, but thanks to an extraordinary damage control effort by...
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