Posted on Apr 23, 2018
Iran issues warning to White House over nuclear deal - Reuters TV
Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 7
Iran has been issuing warners since the last revolution and is anyone paying attention Capt Dwayne Conyers I'm not and many aren't either! They are a rogue nation and should be treated as such. The Deal was bad, period!
I am far from being am ambassador or negotiator however, one of our knuckle dragging barbarians such as Mattis needs to get on TV and tell that smelly sack of cat shit to shut the hell up. The deal is going to be what we say it is, now shut up you goat loving sack of shit.
LTC Jeff Shearer
I know that last one was a little salty but I am not real fond of threats, veiled or overt. This just proves to me jackass is all the way to the bone with some meatheads.
Wow! They are prepared for "expected and unexpected" threats. I'm not impressed. We need to physically destroy their nuclear capability as soon as we can so it won't grow further. When they actually have a deliverable nuke, they will use it on Israel. Mid-east Armageddon will follow.
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