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Responses: 9
PO1 Anthony Foppiano
In 1993 I was finishing my first Navy cruise onboard USS John F. Kennedy, a few years before there were women on combatant ships. After turning over our responsibilities in the Med, we started heading home, and the C-2 COD detachment came onboard for the ride home. Usually the COD detachment stays shore based and follows the carrier around to provide mail, hi-pri supply, and passenger missions. There were a number of female sailors in the COD detachment that stayed onboard for the two week trip home. It was weird, because for those two weeks, the ship went from smelling like ass and feet to smelling like roses. Wherever the females went, you could smell the fact that they had been there. Eventually, most of the common areas on the ship smelled like foo-foo. After six months of nothing but butt-crack and athletes foot, there was the smell of woman! Made the last two weeks of cruise feel even longer.
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CPL Dave Hoover
Based on the picture, the Air Force has infantry?
CW3 Harvey K.
CW3 Harvey K.
7 y
I was surprised to hear from a co-worker, who was an Air Force reservist, that he was infantry. He explained that a secure perimeter around any base of operations was set up and maintained by Air Force troops like him, Air Force infantry.
CPL Dave Hoover
CPL Dave Hoover
7 y
I love learning new stuff, keep the knowledge coming. Thanks Y'all.
CPL Dave Hoover
CPL Dave Hoover
7 y
Thanks Chief, I love military history, so I have some fun research ahead of me.
CPL Dave Hoover
CPL Dave Hoover
7 y
Very true MSgt, I had a discussion with a Sgt at a MI company while conducting training that didn't think he needed to be able to put on his gas mask in 9 seconds, because he was going to be far behind enemy lines. A scud missile on the barracks in Sadi change his thinking. He went from MI to INF, maybe I shouldn't find humor in it, but his arrogance ....
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PO3 Steven Sherrill
MSgt Danny Hope Love the line "“The non-integrated units smelled like ass, BO, feet and beer,” said researcher Sienna Smith. “At the integrated sites, however, it smelled like a combination of Old Spice, Axe and wintergreen mouthwash, with a curious hint of Twilight Woods and Japanese Cherry Blossom body wash.”
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