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Responses: 2
Maj John Bell
I don't remember a single mention of medical records in the Constitution. If medical records become qualifier to run for office, what is next? Should we check mental capacity to vote?According to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) anyone with a mental disability who has an understanding of what it means to vote is allowed to vote in federal elections. But that capacity is ASSUMED.

Perhaps one of the reasons we a seeing such piss poor slates of candidates (ie. Clinton v Trump and Trump v Biden) is because smart people don't want the media rifling through their underwear drawer.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
SFC (Join to see)
2 y
Very good point about the quality of our candidate's sir. As far as disabilities I don't know if Fetterman qualifies as being disabled. I believe he is recovering from a stroke. It is sad he decided to run for office while he was recovering from the stroke and appeared not to be able to process some conversation. Denying his past statements against fracking demonstrated he couldn't respond or honestly was confused. Myself I believe he is trying to play a disability angle for as much as he can.

It's sad the "disability angle" got more press than Fetterman's responses to the questions. If you listened to the debate Fetterman's answer to crime, immigration, education, inflation, and a host of other items was to invest (spend) more of your money. It's vas very say the questions and answers weren't covered more in the press. Fetterman really didn't do a bad job in the debate, it's just the policies he support suck. MHO
CMSgt Marcus Falleaf
CMSgt Marcus Falleaf
2 y
Or showing tax records.
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SSG(P) Photographer/Owner
I feel bad that the guy had a stroke, but he is not mentally competent to be in this race anymore. Idc what the docs say, this dude is more incoherent than a certain other politician, and that's saying something.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
SFC (Join to see)
2 y
I can't understand why they selected him to begin with. He had the stroke before the Primary. For some reason they believed Fetterman has the image they like. There was a lot better candidates they could have selected.
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