Posted on Mar 6, 2017
‘I’m never reenlisting.’ Marine Corps rocked by nude-photo scandal.
Posted 8 y ago
Responses: 12
You seem far more worried about he sharing of them than the taking of them. If they hadn't been taken there is nothing to share with anyone. I think you have to go after those that are taking them/creating them and putting them out on social media, the internet etc.
These are not hapless victims of a crime unless someone can demonstrate the pics were taken against their will which would be a crime. Accountability starts at home. This generation has been raised on social media and the internet. They are without excuse if they take nude pics and post them on the internet. If there are nude selfies of you on the internet, who's fault is that?
If there are nude pictures of you on the internet and you are mad at the Marine Corps then you might want to jump in front of the mirror (with clothes on and no camera) and take a hard look at the reflection. That reflection is a major part of this problem. Had that reflection not taken the pics then there would be nothing for others to post or comment on. Apparently one of the women in the article posted racy pics on instagram (I don't use it so not sure how it works) but if others have access to it and can gain access to the pic, you made your bed, now sleep in it. Get smart, learn your lesson and move on.
While I agree there needs to be an attempt to quell the dissemination of the pics, that is like closing the barn doors after the horses are out.
These are not hapless victims of a crime unless someone can demonstrate the pics were taken against their will which would be a crime. Accountability starts at home. This generation has been raised on social media and the internet. They are without excuse if they take nude pics and post them on the internet. If there are nude selfies of you on the internet, who's fault is that?
If there are nude pictures of you on the internet and you are mad at the Marine Corps then you might want to jump in front of the mirror (with clothes on and no camera) and take a hard look at the reflection. That reflection is a major part of this problem. Had that reflection not taken the pics then there would be nothing for others to post or comment on. Apparently one of the women in the article posted racy pics on instagram (I don't use it so not sure how it works) but if others have access to it and can gain access to the pic, you made your bed, now sleep in it. Get smart, learn your lesson and move on.
While I agree there needs to be an attempt to quell the dissemination of the pics, that is like closing the barn doors after the horses are out.
MAJ Bill Darling
PFC Jonathan Albano - "private posted pictures are your property" Not legally speaking I believe. From what I understand, those companies, in effect, own those photos. Moreover, by consenting to distribute them to even friends passes on the responsibility of their use to one's friends, which clearly people can do so honorably or not. Regardless, if if not permitted, it still involves a lot of trust between the subject of the photo and her friends. Being right doesn't mean being protected.
Cpl Jeff N.
PFC Jonathan Albano - I don't think you understand how the internet works Jonathon. Your setting of profile switches matters not a whit to anyone. Anything posted on the internet is no longer private property. When you post something on the world wide web virtually anyone, ultimately, can get access to it. It is no longer private or personal it is in the public domain. You need to wrap your mind around that concept.
It is not illegal outside of the military to make comments on the web. No one ever has or ever will be sexual comments on the web unless they may in the form of a threat to someone and even that is unlikely considering what is posted on the web every day.
The military will need to prosecute this to find out if the charges stick and they are found guilty of anything other than poor judgment. You need to read up a bit on the internet and the ownership of anything posted on the WWW.
It is not illegal outside of the military to make comments on the web. No one ever has or ever will be sexual comments on the web unless they may in the form of a threat to someone and even that is unlikely considering what is posted on the web every day.
The military will need to prosecute this to find out if the charges stick and they are found guilty of anything other than poor judgment. You need to read up a bit on the internet and the ownership of anything posted on the WWW.
I have three parts to this scenario...please read entire post before commenting:
1.) Why would anyone agree to the taking of photos of them nude. I don't understand it but I know that is a personal choice. In the past, people that did that did it with a camera and film where the photos could be protected if that is what they wanted to do. Nowadays everyone takes photos with their phone and posts immediately. Personal responsibility is part of this scenario. In todays world Social Media is like a rampant disease. If you post something it can get spread throughout the world within the matter of minutes. Friends of friends of friends post and repost and before you know it your business is all over the internet. And just because you deleted them, doesn't mean they don't still exist. I agree with Cpl Jeff N. on the fact that if you posted nude pics on the internet willingly and someone reposted them I don't see any illegal put them out there to be seen on your own accord. It will have to be demonstrated that the pics were taken without consent before any action can be taken.
2.) HOWEVER, of these photos were taken without consent and posted then the personnel involved should be prosecuted to the fullest extent. Those that commented with the derogatory and harassing comments should be prosecuted as well as they perpetuated it. Again, if no consent was given and the pictures were taken without their knowledge and posted, the burn them at the stake and make a point that others will see that this type of behavior is not acceptable and will not be tolerated. I do feel sorry for these females as now the folks in their unit will only see them as sex symbols versus Marines that they worked hard to attain that title.
3.) If personnel hacked into an account and reused individuals pictures without consent, then prosecute them as well. A personal social media account is just that, a personal social media account. Not to say you shouldn't post revealing photos of yourself or say something that is wrong but it is your site, not anyone elses. Perpetuating women in this fashion is not tolerable and needs to be dealt with. It goes against good order and discipline. It only breeds contempt and mistrust in an organization. Personally, I really hate most social media because everyone thinks it is an acceptable means of communication and the would post things and say things that they would never say or show in a face to face conversation. The art of looking someone in the eye when lambasting them is gone. If you are going to do it, do it to their face and own up to it.
I really hate this for the Marine Corps as they are a professional warfighting machine and really don't need this type of publicity. 10000 great things can be erased by one bad one and the bad one will be the one they are remembered for. There are bad apples in every group and they need to be plucked out and tossed away to not impact the rest of the bunch.
1.) Why would anyone agree to the taking of photos of them nude. I don't understand it but I know that is a personal choice. In the past, people that did that did it with a camera and film where the photos could be protected if that is what they wanted to do. Nowadays everyone takes photos with their phone and posts immediately. Personal responsibility is part of this scenario. In todays world Social Media is like a rampant disease. If you post something it can get spread throughout the world within the matter of minutes. Friends of friends of friends post and repost and before you know it your business is all over the internet. And just because you deleted them, doesn't mean they don't still exist. I agree with Cpl Jeff N. on the fact that if you posted nude pics on the internet willingly and someone reposted them I don't see any illegal put them out there to be seen on your own accord. It will have to be demonstrated that the pics were taken without consent before any action can be taken.
2.) HOWEVER, of these photos were taken without consent and posted then the personnel involved should be prosecuted to the fullest extent. Those that commented with the derogatory and harassing comments should be prosecuted as well as they perpetuated it. Again, if no consent was given and the pictures were taken without their knowledge and posted, the burn them at the stake and make a point that others will see that this type of behavior is not acceptable and will not be tolerated. I do feel sorry for these females as now the folks in their unit will only see them as sex symbols versus Marines that they worked hard to attain that title.
3.) If personnel hacked into an account and reused individuals pictures without consent, then prosecute them as well. A personal social media account is just that, a personal social media account. Not to say you shouldn't post revealing photos of yourself or say something that is wrong but it is your site, not anyone elses. Perpetuating women in this fashion is not tolerable and needs to be dealt with. It goes against good order and discipline. It only breeds contempt and mistrust in an organization. Personally, I really hate most social media because everyone thinks it is an acceptable means of communication and the would post things and say things that they would never say or show in a face to face conversation. The art of looking someone in the eye when lambasting them is gone. If you are going to do it, do it to their face and own up to it.
I really hate this for the Marine Corps as they are a professional warfighting machine and really don't need this type of publicity. 10000 great things can be erased by one bad one and the bad one will be the one they are remembered for. There are bad apples in every group and they need to be plucked out and tossed away to not impact the rest of the bunch.
Well it seems that the Astro-Physics Scholarship at M.I.T. is safe for a time as these intellect challenged morons won't qualify. Did these cretins really believe that no one would find out that they posted this crap on the internet? What is more troubling is that the USMC allowed them to carry weapons. Now that is scary as it is evident that these imbeciles lack the capacity for rationale thought. I would also like to remind people that these same geniuses may be operating a motor vehicle near you.....
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