Posted on Aug 1, 2016
I have a PERSONAL message for the Muslim father whose son was killed in Iraq - Allen B. West -...
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 5
Nope. Total click bait as he tries to equate the loss the Khans have felt to the HRC email controversy. As a former Army officer, he should know better than to disgrace the memory of the fallen in this shameful fashion and I am ashamed that I was in the same Army as that POS
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There are two proponents of extremist Islamic ideology, one is the extremists themselves and the other is those political conservatives who labor to place 1.6 Billion Muslims in the shadow of tens of thousands of extremists. The extremists need to be shown the error of their ways, those who do not advocate violence against people who believe differently deserve our support, and those conservatives (and liberals) who would slander hundreds of millions with the actions of tens of thousands deserve our contempt.
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