Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 4
SFC William Farrell, that article begs the question if you and your brother held differing view on The subject of Viet Nam? My brother served before I did. He finished his 18 months in country about the time I started basic training. We were in uniform at the same time, but he was on his final assignment in the Army, which was at Ft. Hood, while I was in training. He was discharged while I going through Special Forces Training Group. Like the Hagel brothers, we lived together for awhile after I got out, but we never had the problems mentioned in the article. He is still my closest sibling. His health is faltering, but I keep close tabs on him. He is on oxygen due to his service connected COPD and lives with his granddaughter and her husband -- a currently serving Marine.
SFC William Farrell
SGT Robert Pryor No, Robert we held the same beliefs, we were brought up by a WWII vet father, American flag waving patriot. At 17, we were too young and too stupid to know of what we were getting into. Originally we wanted to do what you did but went in different directions. I worry about my twin as his health has its problems so I understand you keeping tabs on our brother. Like your brother, I was at Fort Hood after I returned from Vietnam. Loved Texas, hated being in the Army in Texas! lol Of course the drinking didnt help!
The Hagel's was a great story, and it's not suppose to happen, but they sure would send lots of cousins to war at the same time 27 members of my family served in Vietnam eleven of served at the same time.
SFC William Farrell
GySgt Thomas Vick My twin brother and I had to sign waivers and they tried to talk us out of it but if he were going, I was going and vice versa. We are extremely close to this day. That's impressive with the numbers in your family. My mother had 8 children, five of us went in the military, two Army, two Air Force and one Marines, along with his wife. Being the oldest and towards the end of the Vietnam War, my twin and I were the only ones who went there.
GySgt Thomas Vick
Most of my cousins were Army, there were 3 Marines, 18 Army, and 6 Air Force, 21 of us made it home.
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