Posted on Jun 5, 2018
How Iceland became the gun-loving country with no shooting murders
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 7
James I love guns, they have saved my life more than once however, not everyone is fit to have a gun plus I am a firm believer that firearms safety and education is paramount. Iceland may be on to something. Okay I am going to kick the sleeping dog with this, both sides pro gun and anti gun bitch and complain about the laws, to strict or not enough laws. If one side had their way every jackass in the US would have 2 or 3 exposed and 1 or 2 concealed. If the other side had their way no one would have guns other than their body guards. I think they are both wrong, I have reached a point in my life where I am not overly concerned what either side thinks about my opinion.
CDR Dan Cunningham
LTC (Join to see) - You're right about country kids getting trained early. All my neighbors and their kids hunt during archery, muzzle loader and rifle season. When I was a youngster I knew many families who couldn't afford meat and wouldn't have had it if they hadn't been excellent hunters.
LTC Jeff Shearer
LTC (Join to see) - Frank I grew up in the woods and I got my first gun when I was a wee pup. He taught me the does and donts and safety safety safety. He would teach me how to load and fire, how to reduce stoppage etc... and safety safety safety. I have no doubts that the majority of the planet did not get what I did. My concern is if there is not some kind of formal training/testing not everyone will get it. That is a point that can be worked out but we as a Nation are broken in that area. I dont want to take guns away from any of the law abiding citizens but lets just start by enforcing the laws that are already out there and see what happens. They are already active laws.
LTC Jeff Shearer
LTC (Join to see) - frank another thing that gets me if some jackass commits a violent crime using a firearm his/her sentence needs to be simple, unpleasant and ugly. I am all about the death sentence but if you want to incarcerate them thats fine as well, no tv, no snacks, no phone calls, no computer, no no no no. that is the answer for any extras, extras are anything other than a place to sleep, place to shower, and work lots of work. Based on my proposal shorten sentence drastically, people would have no desire to come back. The cost of housing a jackass would be greatly reduced. My proposal is not pretty, the truth is it is pretty damn ugly but it would work. Within the first few years the change would be incredible
MAJ James Woods
Thanks. You convey the very thoughts and ideology I have when I think about gun ownership, laws, and regulatory actions. Some folks spend too much time arguing the extremes and fail at basic problem-solving methodology. The amount of training and wait times Iceland has seem extreme and not adaptable to US culture but the overall processes they have in place makes sense.
MAJ James Woods
Thanks. Found it interesting especially the mental health evaluation as part of the process.
I have to throw a BS flag on this.
According to the article there were 193 murders with a population of 330,000, that works out to 64 per 100,00 population while the USA including the urban combat zones was only 23.2 per 100,000 in 2016. Looks like Iceland is as dangerous as Detroit or Chicago...
According to the article there were 193 murders with a population of 330,000, that works out to 64 per 100,00 population while the USA including the urban combat zones was only 23.2 per 100,000 in 2016. Looks like Iceland is as dangerous as Detroit or Chicago...
LTC (Join to see)
SPC Jeff Daley, PhD - thanks for setting the record straight , i misread the article .
MAJ James Woods
Yes the 193 murders was in reference to St. Louis, not Iceland. Iceland, a population approx. 330K hasn't had a gun related murder from 2007 to present day.
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