Posted on Jun 28, 2016
House Republicans fault US military response to Benghazi
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 6
This final report will determine Gowdy's political future in the Republicans Party. Blaming the military would ruin him. I think I will wait for the actual report and context, rather than headlines.
PO2 (Join to see)
interesting to see the transition from Republican hero to what is being thrown around now. I have a feeling he is too smart ot touch the one community that is always political suicide and such a great stepping stone for positive press. could be bad for him but good for us in the long haul if we can start actually pointing out fault and waste in the military without being labeled "anti American" but like you said... I will have to withhold until the teport is public
So the CiC (Obama) delayed/wanted to come up with "talking" points. One of his Depth heads (Clinton-State Dept) hopped on board with it. The "sacrificial lamb" (Susan Rice) throws,those talking points to media (It was caused by a video). The military was waiting on the "Go" to send rescue forces from the CiC(which never happend). So yeah major breakdown in the CoC all the way around and 4 American lives lost.
Yeah it's the Republicans fault(extreme sarcasm)
Yeah it's the Republicans fault(extreme sarcasm)
SFC (Join to see)
Ok they call in the military experts. They are in charge to make the decision after gathering recommendations. It's called Leadership (or in this case lack of)
SFC (Join to see)
SPC Randy Semanko Here's the problem. No matter how many first hand accounts from the people on the ground it won't matter to some. They will have excuses for what happend.
IMO. A major failure on the CiC period, and American lives were lost. It is a text example of leadership FAIL across the board, and no one will accept responsibility. So yeah let's spin it and blame someone else....
IMO. A major failure on the CiC period, and American lives were lost. It is a text example of leadership FAIL across the board, and no one will accept responsibility. So yeah let's spin it and blame someone else....
SFC (Join to see)
SP5 Christine Conley Tap dance all you want. Im sticking with my initial assessment in my post. It is a MAJOR fail on the CIC to support Americns in a hostile envirmoent. So who was in charge? Set of State and CIC. End of story.
Finding: "Despite President Obama and Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta’s clear orders to deploy military assets, nothing was sent to Benghazi, and nothing was en route to Libya at the time the last two Americans were killed almost eight hours after the attacks began." — Part 1, Pages 106, 141
It's a convenient criticism, but fails to address the Defense Department's perspective. All along, the Pentagon has maintained that they were constrained by the “tyranny of time and distance”. The military could not have sent troops or planes in time to have made a difference. Of course this is easy to ignore because Admiral Trey Gowdy, LTG Jim Jordan, and MG Peter Roskam know better having mounted so many military campaigns themselves. (Sarcasm - aside from Mike Pompeo and Tammy Duckworth, none of them served).
I've looked through the report. Not only do I find the findings disappointing, but I think they lack credibility. After 3-1/2 years of hearings with the benefit of prior investigations and millions of dollars to spend, a criticism of the military response should have included substantive recommendations on how to address the shortcomings.
Empty report with little credibility.
It's a convenient criticism, but fails to address the Defense Department's perspective. All along, the Pentagon has maintained that they were constrained by the “tyranny of time and distance”. The military could not have sent troops or planes in time to have made a difference. Of course this is easy to ignore because Admiral Trey Gowdy, LTG Jim Jordan, and MG Peter Roskam know better having mounted so many military campaigns themselves. (Sarcasm - aside from Mike Pompeo and Tammy Duckworth, none of them served).
I've looked through the report. Not only do I find the findings disappointing, but I think they lack credibility. After 3-1/2 years of hearings with the benefit of prior investigations and millions of dollars to spend, a criticism of the military response should have included substantive recommendations on how to address the shortcomings.
Empty report with little credibility.
LTC (Join to see)
Two unarmed drones reached the area, and probably a fighter jet could have reached the area, but what then?
Even armed drones or fighters could only do one of three things:
1) Observe and do nothing (what the unarmed drones did)
2) Shoot up the place
3) Fire missiles/drop bombs.
We already know the criticism for option one, which the GOP has been trying desperately to scandalize these last four years, but options two or three would actually be LEGITIMATE SCANDALS. I can imagine the headlines, "Obama shoots up innocent civilians" or "Clinton murders dozens of bystanders".
The GOP has been terrified of Hillary Clinton since she ran for the senate. They have known for decades that their conservative (code for religious, racist and/or sexist) base wouldn't support a female candidate, and that their demographic of Uneducated Male White Christians is shrinking.
Troops could not get there in time. That is a mathematical and logistical fact. Drones and fighter jets, armed or otherwise, are simply not usable to rescue individuals from a mob.
So Houae GOP, thank you for wasting our SEVEN MILLION DOLLARS on your partisan Swift-Boat venture. I really hope the Clinton administration takes a page from your playbook and sues your party for our money back.
Even armed drones or fighters could only do one of three things:
1) Observe and do nothing (what the unarmed drones did)
2) Shoot up the place
3) Fire missiles/drop bombs.
We already know the criticism for option one, which the GOP has been trying desperately to scandalize these last four years, but options two or three would actually be LEGITIMATE SCANDALS. I can imagine the headlines, "Obama shoots up innocent civilians" or "Clinton murders dozens of bystanders".
The GOP has been terrified of Hillary Clinton since she ran for the senate. They have known for decades that their conservative (code for religious, racist and/or sexist) base wouldn't support a female candidate, and that their demographic of Uneducated Male White Christians is shrinking.
Troops could not get there in time. That is a mathematical and logistical fact. Drones and fighter jets, armed or otherwise, are simply not usable to rescue individuals from a mob.
So Houae GOP, thank you for wasting our SEVEN MILLION DOLLARS on your partisan Swift-Boat venture. I really hope the Clinton administration takes a page from your playbook and sues your party for our money back.
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