Posted on Apr 28, 2016
House panel votes to make women register for the draft
Posted 9 y ago
Responses: 30
About time. I know I am probably in the minority on this one, but this should have happened a long time ago.
SFC (Join to see)
But as long as they are keeping the draft on the books, it should include both genders
PFC Daniel Starrett
SSG (Join to see) - The draft is still on the nooks, because the draft is our rainy day account in case of major war. If we do not have people register now, do you think we would be able to when Trump is in office and declared war against the world because they refused to build a wall around the United States for us?
SSG (Join to see)
Trump doesn't get to declare war. That is outside the purview of the executive branch.
The selective service is a waste of money. I don't even want to begin to consider how much it'll cost to start requiring women to register as well. I also don't want to imagine how costly and time consuming it would be to actually implement a draft. We'd be better off loosening enlistment restrictions like age.
The selective service is a waste of money. I don't even want to begin to consider how much it'll cost to start requiring women to register as well. I also don't want to imagine how costly and time consuming it would be to actually implement a draft. We'd be better off loosening enlistment restrictions like age.
PFC Daniel Starrett
SSG (Join to see) - the "draft" ended yes, but selective service sign up did not. We still have a draft under constitution law; it is not active, no. But it is there. The selective service is our rainy day funds, so to speak so that should we ever need to activate the draft again, we know who and what we have available and can reasonably expect to find them.
LTC (Join to see) - The draft is an antiquated model. But, I'm fine with my daughters registering with the Selective Service. After all, they have just as much right to defend this nation as any of us!
PFC Daniel Starrett
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS - First, Habeus corpus has nothing to do with this discussion:
Habeas corpus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Habeas corpus (/ˈheɪbiəs ˈkɔːrpəs/; Medieval Latin translating roughly to "You should have the body") is a recourse in law whereby a person can report an unlawful detention or imprisonment before a court, usually through a prison official.
We are not discussing the legal / illegal imprisonment or detention of a person, no matter how you want to word it. The draft is 100% completely legal under our constitution and most, if not all, states have a form of it in regards for their sheriff's. Did you know that? Most states, if not all, the Sheriff, in a time of need can conscript deputies from the right off the streets and parks. And if they refuse the position, they are aiding and abetting whatever is going on and can be arrested. Does this mean our Sheriffs do such things? No. and I hope to God that we never face a situation in which a sheriff would HAVE to do such a thing. The point is however, it is written into the individual constitutions for this even IN CASE IT HAPPENS.
In regards to putting the constitution aside during times of crises, yes it can be done and it HAS BEEN DONE numerous times. Curfews; rations; eminent domain (though I will state that this is used way too often outside of crisis); I could go on and on. Now, our constitution ALSO provides clauses for how long this can happen, but generally speaking it is for the most part "as long as it needs to".
Some arguments can be made in regards to the military taking over a persons home. Generally speaking it is against the law. BUT there is also language that dictates that the commander in question simply has to exhaust all other possible means FIRST, including ASKING if they may use your home. And in all honesty, if a squad comes up to your door with evidence that your house is needed as a command post or for extra billeting for the soldiers because the enemy is "within sight" and to not have the property would mean loss and death, do you think the military OR YOUR NEIGHBORS are going to support you in refusing the use of your home? Not highly likely.
Habeas corpus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Habeas corpus (/ˈheɪbiəs ˈkɔːrpəs/; Medieval Latin translating roughly to "You should have the body") is a recourse in law whereby a person can report an unlawful detention or imprisonment before a court, usually through a prison official.
We are not discussing the legal / illegal imprisonment or detention of a person, no matter how you want to word it. The draft is 100% completely legal under our constitution and most, if not all, states have a form of it in regards for their sheriff's. Did you know that? Most states, if not all, the Sheriff, in a time of need can conscript deputies from the right off the streets and parks. And if they refuse the position, they are aiding and abetting whatever is going on and can be arrested. Does this mean our Sheriffs do such things? No. and I hope to God that we never face a situation in which a sheriff would HAVE to do such a thing. The point is however, it is written into the individual constitutions for this even IN CASE IT HAPPENS.
In regards to putting the constitution aside during times of crises, yes it can be done and it HAS BEEN DONE numerous times. Curfews; rations; eminent domain (though I will state that this is used way too often outside of crisis); I could go on and on. Now, our constitution ALSO provides clauses for how long this can happen, but generally speaking it is for the most part "as long as it needs to".
Some arguments can be made in regards to the military taking over a persons home. Generally speaking it is against the law. BUT there is also language that dictates that the commander in question simply has to exhaust all other possible means FIRST, including ASKING if they may use your home. And in all honesty, if a squad comes up to your door with evidence that your house is needed as a command post or for extra billeting for the soldiers because the enemy is "within sight" and to not have the property would mean loss and death, do you think the military OR YOUR NEIGHBORS are going to support you in refusing the use of your home? Not highly likely.

Habeas corpus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Habeas corpus (/ˈheɪbiəs ˈkɔːrpəs/; Medieval Latin translating roughly to "You should have the body"[1]) is a recourse in law whereby a person can report an unlawful detention or imprisonment before a court, usually through a prison official.[2]
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS
PFC Daniel Starrett - You need to educate yourself. There is a specific line in the Constitution about suspending the writ of habeas corpus (Article One, Section 9, clause 2 aka The Suspension Clause) last done in 1863 by President Lincoln.
The CONSTITUTION cannot be "put to the side." That is an Ignorant Statement which based on your phrasing I gathered you meant the Suspension Clause. Look it up.
Legal and Right are not mutually exclusive terms. Our government does all kinds of things which are "legal" and I will be happy to point out several times which they were morally wrong.
You have sworn to defend the Constitution. If you are willing to support it being "put aside" for ANY reason, you are an oath breaker, and I'll be happy to meet you at the nearest tree to discuss the matter.
The CONSTITUTION cannot be "put to the side." That is an Ignorant Statement which based on your phrasing I gathered you meant the Suspension Clause. Look it up.
Legal and Right are not mutually exclusive terms. Our government does all kinds of things which are "legal" and I will be happy to point out several times which they were morally wrong.
You have sworn to defend the Constitution. If you are willing to support it being "put aside" for ANY reason, you are an oath breaker, and I'll be happy to meet you at the nearest tree to discuss the matter.
SSG Clyde Koontz
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS - We had a draft in WWII, even though a large number of people volunteered (just you suggested) and most Americans believed in the need for military action. Without a draft in such time periods, only those that cared and were willing to fight to protect others would be joining up, the freeloaders, the lazy, the criminals, and all the other parasites would stay home and be running things when the honorable ones came home…the ones that could.
We do not currently have a draft, for which I am glad. An all-volunteer force is one of our strengths. But there may still be times in the future that we will need a draft to give us the numbers we need for our military to perform those tasks asked of it.
As long as registration for the draft exists, no one should be treated differently due to their gender.
We do not currently have a draft, for which I am glad. An all-volunteer force is one of our strengths. But there may still be times in the future that we will need a draft to give us the numbers we need for our military to perform those tasks asked of it.
As long as registration for the draft exists, no one should be treated differently due to their gender.
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS
SSG Clyde Koontz - Different issues.
1) We held onto the Draft well after WWII ended (1947).
2) Why are we fighting "Conflicts" that the People aren't behind? Not just the Government but the People. If there isn't enough support from the "freeloaders" (aka the Citizenry) of their own free will, why are we involved in the Conflicts?
3) You need to pull your #$&^$ head out of your $&*% and stop calling the Citizenry parasites. Without them we don't exist. Not the other way around. We're not special.
4) "We may need in the future" is no excuse for holding onto a system that we haven't used in 40 years. Think about this, the AVERAGE age of the US Military member is about 25. We have not used the Draft longer than most military have been alive. No current military member has ever been drafted. It's an outdated model.
5) Just because we abuse one set of the population doesn't mean we should abuse another set of it. If we are going to use that logic, why is it only 18-25 year olds? The militia is defined as 18-60~ if I recall correctly. Why is 26 the magic cut off age? We accept enlistees to age 40 (because you can do 20 years before 60 cut off). Let's have some consistency in logic.
All of the reasons for holding onto the Draft, and the process which get there (Selective Service) are BS. It's outdated and unneeded. The Gender Equality issue is a smokescreen. Get rid of it all and save us $25M a year. If we actually run into a war that we need that many people and a can't get an all volunteer force or stop loss it... bring it back... but until then Evolve with the damn times and realize some things need to die with the dark ages.
1) We held onto the Draft well after WWII ended (1947).
2) Why are we fighting "Conflicts" that the People aren't behind? Not just the Government but the People. If there isn't enough support from the "freeloaders" (aka the Citizenry) of their own free will, why are we involved in the Conflicts?
3) You need to pull your #$&^$ head out of your $&*% and stop calling the Citizenry parasites. Without them we don't exist. Not the other way around. We're not special.
4) "We may need in the future" is no excuse for holding onto a system that we haven't used in 40 years. Think about this, the AVERAGE age of the US Military member is about 25. We have not used the Draft longer than most military have been alive. No current military member has ever been drafted. It's an outdated model.
5) Just because we abuse one set of the population doesn't mean we should abuse another set of it. If we are going to use that logic, why is it only 18-25 year olds? The militia is defined as 18-60~ if I recall correctly. Why is 26 the magic cut off age? We accept enlistees to age 40 (because you can do 20 years before 60 cut off). Let's have some consistency in logic.
All of the reasons for holding onto the Draft, and the process which get there (Selective Service) are BS. It's outdated and unneeded. The Gender Equality issue is a smokescreen. Get rid of it all and save us $25M a year. If we actually run into a war that we need that many people and a can't get an all volunteer force or stop loss it... bring it back... but until then Evolve with the damn times and realize some things need to die with the dark ages.
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