Posted on Oct 12, 2020
Harris rips Barrett confirmation process as 'illegitimate,' claims nominee will 'undo' Ginsburg's...
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 6
SPC Erich Guenther
Yes and hands down the Dems looked stupid in front of the whole country again. Smart to have this before the election so the electorate can see this show.
Harris is a trial lawyer at heart so I trust little of what she says as the unvarnished truth. Barrett has two to three Black kids adopted from Haiti. Which I have to say shows you a window to her heart like nothing else. :)
SPC Erich Guenther
Just an update, now that the hearings are largely over, my impression that of all the Supreme Court Justices that went through the confirmation process going back to at least the confirmation of Sandra Day O'Connor. She did the best job as far as consistency, keeping her cool, and being patient with the hearing process. She will be a much better Justice than Harris would have or than Klubacher would have been. Clearly she is smarter than both based on her performance and the questions those two asked.
I don't mean this as political at all, but apples to apples are you saying POTUS Trump has been honest? I think they stopped counting at 30,000 lies. Just curious and not meaning to incite anything. I try to respect all opinions, and facts even more.
CPO Don Campbell
absolutely not...all of them are liars...but his lack of political correctness is a breath of fresh air atleast for me...i resoect the office of our commander and chief regardless of who is in office...doesnt mean I like them but I respect the Preident Trump's defense for being asleep at the helm regarding the virus...he was a little busy at the time with something called an impeachment...hillary Clinton had a siprnet server in her house...we all know what siprnet is and if any of us had a siprnet server in our house...what is the name of that place...i don't know how to spell LEAVENWORTH...I didn't vote last time and I not gonna vote this time...i am 64 years old and I really don't give a shit anymore.. i care about U guys and girls but not them...i live in Hawaii and it is the bluest of blue state...i sure as hell am not going to vote for dimentia Joe but I would vote for Tulsi Gabbard had she been the democratic nominee...quality not party...Aloha
CWO3 (Join to see)
Government is like prison. You are either one bad dude, or you get affiliated, or you perish. They used to be able to work together and still provide for the US and not just their donors (owners) and self. I agree on the honesty, and to an extent the PC. I thought Pres. Clinton should have resigned, due to one big lie, so that should clear my stance on honesty and integrity. Thanks for your honest appraisal.
CPO Don Campbell
Thanx but I do need to make a retraction and an is very important and probably the only voice we have on active duty...i really hope I not gonna step on my crank here...and i am going to vote...i guess this is a blog site but there are a lot of young pups who participate and old retired dogs like myself need to ensure these young military pups get the right nourishment so they are strong and vicious to defeat the next threat...i wish it wasn't coming but inevitably it will...anyway i do apologize for feeding these outstanding pups crap...not to make excuses but I was having another vetrans administration (note the lower case) moment...i have had way too many since 2001...the latest I signed the document but forgot to date it.. even though my wife included a letter with a date and sent it as a fax which has a date stamp...this horrendous error on my part caused my claim to not be processed...which was a response from va in September which denied my claim for ptsd effective date of March 2019 because va said i did not have a ptsd diagnosis in July 2001 (that is correct.. diagnoised with ptsd March 2001 by navy psychiatrist during retirement physical and filed claim with va may 2001...finally march 2020 awarded ptsd 70% i also got individual unemployability which is automatic 100% service connected disabilty...deemed total and complete which means i am not going to get better...effective December 11 2019...i think U understand what I mean and for any disbelievers like va people who read this blog I will be glad to post everything I sent va and everything I have received) the frustrating thing is as far as i know the date the va uses is the date the documents were received.. i know there are people who really care at the va but I cannot find them...i know the va monitors this site to because the va suicide hot line called me one time at 0400 after I posted what happened june 19 2019...i feel another va moment coming U young pups don't listen to the old retired dogs who bark at nothing and remember to vote...Aloha
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