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Responses: 2
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
Seems a little harsh to me. Glad the TX AG agrees.
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
>1 y
Again, not really interested in your pontificating. You have no idea what her situation is, and she didn't even get the loan your alluded to until 3 May (most of the relevant activities happened a full week prior, leading up to going to court on the 5th). Noting the issue with many getting their loans and the uncertainty of whether Texas would even allow salons to open in the near future (the restriction wasn't announced until literally minutes before the Judge ruled on her).

Now all that said, I did not for one second deny the fact she broke the law, nor did I say she should not be punished. I simply believe she was treated too harshly. Especially when the same county in Texas is releasing prisoners due to Covid19 and now they want to put her in one? I'd like to see what crime those who were released were compared to hers. Wouldn't that be interesting?

Now, it certainly sucks that your business isn't doing well, but this isn't about you. You sit there and point to Republicans "abandoning their law and order" positions (which they're not)... Does that mean the Democrats are abandoning their compassion positions? Personally, I think you need to stop with the ridiculous associations... Neither party owns the idea of strict rule of law or compassion.

Regardless, I reserve the right to feel bad for someone who simply wants to work, make money, and care for her family. And for a judge to demand that she apologize for that was unnecessary. I don't care what kind of a bad ass you think he is, there was no reason for the prison time, or the demand for remorse. Now maybe as more reporting comes out and I learn more about her situation, I could change my mind. But this isn't the first person I've come across who's going through a rough time due to similar circumstances.
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
>1 y
There it is, more pontificating... Never addressed you or your posts, you came to me. Don't care for your input, it has nothing to do with what I think about someone else's plight. You can stalk her all you want and it makes no difference to me. I said you were "seemingly reveling" but seeing how you can't let it go, I guess I think now that you are. Especially when you have to go out of your way to look her up on Google Maps just to add more fuel to your narrative that she doesn't deserve some kind of empathy. Again, you have no idea what her predicament is. The fact she may live in a decent home or not hardly accounts for what her specific predicament is now. As far as you're concerned, I guess she has to live in a slum to get any sort of empathy from you.

By the way, being a Republican or more specifically a conservative is about subscribing to a set of principles. If you think the party does not subscribe to those, so be it leave. Apparently I left the Republican party before you, that doesn't mean I don't believe in the same values they claim. So please spare me the lecture about the party and stop assuming you know what I stand for or subscribe to. I did not call you a Democrat, I was responding to your suggestion that the GOP is no longer the party of law and order. The point was obviously lost on you.
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
>1 y
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
>1 y
You just can't let it go can you... Maybe you should focus on your issues. She's free, she essentially won, and I think you know it.
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PFC Michael Korach
I would have to agree with her, we have taken this COVID-19 incident to the extreme and it has given way to much power to a few people and in some cases to the government officials who are not elected and have to fear of the citizens because they feel they are not accountable to them. much of what has been done is based on little to no actual scientifically proven measures and sadly the largest cities in this country are run by democrats who seem to see this as a possible bailout of there failing financial policies and the only political move they have left for a chance to win in 2020.
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