Posted on May 15, 2018
Germany’s Typhoon problem: Only four fighters can be made combat ready
Edited 7 y ago
Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 7
That article paints a pretty alarming picture for the Germans. Something weird when I was in Germany is that the reserve folks seemed a bit more squared away than the active Bundeswehr. Our "partner" unit was a reserve (Landwehr?) unit, so we saw more of it than we did the active Bundeswehr, but from what little glimpse I got of the regular Bundeswehr troops, they didn't seem motivated at all - like they didn't want to be serving in the first place. Just an anecdote, anyway.
A few years ago, the Swiss government admitted that it only had enough money budgeted to have aircraft ready to respond to threats during "business hours":
Wonder if that stop the Russians in the Baltic states - put up a "Closed" sign and tell 'em to come back on Monday. (Kind of reminds me of the toll-gate scene in Blazing Saddles)
A few years ago, the Swiss government admitted that it only had enough money budgeted to have aircraft ready to respond to threats during "business hours":
Wonder if that stop the Russians in the Baltic states - put up a "Closed" sign and tell 'em to come back on Monday. (Kind of reminds me of the toll-gate scene in Blazing Saddles)

The Swiss air force: armed and dangerous, but only in office hours
It's no fly-by-night military outfit and it doesn't start work too early in the morning, either, as the recent Ethiopian Airlines hijack proved
LTC (Join to see)
It figures for the Swiss! Are you getting in the Sweden and Switzerland confused? Sweden is there by the Baltic states but Switzerland is a neutral country. In World War II, if a German or American bomber lad there because of mechanical problems or an emergency, the plane was kept and the crews were interned for the rest of the war. Thank you for the article! I'm sure the Germans are turning into a 10 to 2 or a 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Air Force if they can get two Jets up every other day. LOL
SGT (Join to see)
No, I'm not getting Sweden and Switzerland confused. I was stationed in Germany in the Army. I'm well read. I'm college educated. Thanks for sharing.
Klemen Slakonja as Angela Merkel - Ruf mich Angela /#TheMockingbirdMan/
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Blame it on the President Obama of Germany. Angela Merkel who worries about global warming or climate change or whatever you want to call it instead of Defense.
I guess it would rather build BMWs and Audi's instead of keeping their planes flying and keeping their Leo two tanks working.
I guess it would rather build BMWs and Audi's instead of keeping their planes flying and keeping their Leo two tanks working.
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