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Responses: 2
SGT Edward Wilcox
The Constitution allows for the Redress of Grievances, but not in this manner. We are not allowed to just enter the Capitol Building whenever we want and interrupt a lawful session of Congress. Rep. Crenshaw understands our oath far better than you do.
PO1 Todd B.
PO1 Todd B.
4 y
Are you serious? Since when did the PEOPLE"s HOUSE and the Constitution state it was illegal? When was the right to redress our grievances IN PERSON to those we have appointed and elected to represent us? When was all that removed from the Constitution? Someone explain it to me.

Regardless, what's even more sad is how many of you did NOTHING, said NOTHING for the LAST FOUR YEARS. The left initiated a full on coup, they lied, they insulted, they attacked and more the MOMENT Trump took office.. We just spent FOUR YEARS watching the left BURN CITIES, SHOOT PD officers, attack innocent people, LOOT, DESTROY and more...

AND you sit there and call a 5 hour protest with a few broken windows, insurrection? ARE OU FUCKING KIDDING ME?

And you DID NOTHING. You SAID NOTHING. But now you take some FAKE information and want to remove a sitting President in the last two weeks? You want to call everyone that protested terrorists because they are angry that people like you are not saying THERE SHOULD BE VALIDATION of votes?

YOU are the problem and YOU clearly forgot our oath.. ALL people in this country have those rights, NOT JUST YOU LEFTISTS. And the real scary part is how many of you are believing the propaganda you are getting from the mainstream media.. .

I challenge ANYONE here to show me proof in any way of the President saying anything except people need to march in protest to the Capital. I challenge you to find ONE Iota of proof that he inciting any kind of riot, attack, or anything else... because you can't.
SGT Edward Wilcox
SGT Edward Wilcox
4 y
PO1 Todd B. - There is nothing in the Constitution that provides for in person redress of grievances. There is nothing in the Constitution that allows for breaking into the Capitol Building to complain about anything. There is nothing in the Constitution that allows for the destruction of property, however slight you may think it is, for any reason. While we have the right to petition our Government for a redress of grievances, what happened yesterday was not that. They were not there to ask for a redress of grievances, they were there to stop the certification of the Electoral College. They were there to keep Congress from doing its sworn duty.

Your trying to equate this with the peaceful protests against police shooting people in the streets with impunity, then gassing the protestors and claiming the ensuing chaos was the reason they gassed them, is offensive. You are the worst kind of idiot if you really believe that the left has spent 4 years burning, looting, or shooting police officers. BTW, more police died at the hands of conservatives than liberal in the past four years.

You want proof? watch his lied filled speech to the protestors yesterday. He told them the march to the Capitol Building and "Show strength". If you can't see what he did, you're stupider than I think you are.
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PO1 Todd B.
Wow.. some of you reply to me then BLOCK me from responding.. Figures, that's what the LEFT liberals do. You make your snide comments, then hide instead of standing like men and discussing it.. No wonder this Republic is nearly dead with people like you in it... You don't want to talk about the truth.

AND to one of you that blocked conversation who said the Constitution does not allow for redress.. "US Constitution’s First Amendment: Right to Petition for Redress of Grievances"

Go learn to fucking read.
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