Posted on Feb 17, 2018
Florida Teacher of the Year's gun violence post goes viral after school shooting
Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 7
From the article ...
"STOP being their friend. They have enough ‘friends’ at school. Be their parent."
Nailed it.
"STOP being their friend. They have enough ‘friends’ at school. Be their parent."
Nailed it.
MSG Gary George
As a Retired NCO and a teacher for 23 years I agree with this teacher. Many parents these days are friends with their kids, because they were kids when they had their kids. Way to many kids are medicated, because their "parents" don't want to work at being a parent. If you do not go to your child's school start doing so and find out what is going on. Watch what your school board and Superintendent are doing. Ask the teachers what they really think about what is going on.
SGT Aaron Atwood
My parents taught me pretty early on that being a proper parent does not mean being the child's friend.
CPT Jack Durish Totally agree with you and this kids grew up in the 2000's...the language from the so called music (RAP) was disgusting and I believe that had a the MOST to do with violence and bad behavior in took the FCC 10 years to finally ban this type of music from being played on the radio, but for my kids and others it was WAY too late...and violent video games do not help. Also, I think all schools should have metal detectors at the entrances and 15% of the teachers should be trained in fire arms and be able to keep a fire arm in their class room...however, other teachers and students should NOT know who these teachers/staff are. You/we/the government cannot force someone into therapy...and if someone does not think they have a problem, they'll never seek out help. CNN/MSNBC and the other stations are all bashing Trump once again because they said if he didn't kill Obama's MENTAL Check, that this would have been prevented. BULL CRAP! this guy does not have ANYTHING on record of being mentally ill and the Obama thing ONLY covers those persons receiving SS money due to being diagnosed with Mental Illness...
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