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Responses: 6
LCDR Joshua Gillespie
As always, couldn't read the article without paying... so I'll have to "infer" what I can from other sources.

Alright... so is there "nothing" Trump could do to lose my vote in November? Actually, there are many things... but then I'd be left unable to vote at all, because there's practically "nothing" the Democratic Party can do at this point to get my vote. As I've said many, many times... I didn't vote for Trump because I felt he was a "good person", a "good leader", or because I believe that being a real-estate tycoon and television personality equates to being a great President (though in Reagan's case... maybe it's not always a deficit). However, Trump would lose my support if he was definitively proven to have committed acts impeachable under the Constitution... so far, I'm not convinced (as it would seem neither has Congress). I would not vote for him if he reversed his platform to openly support agendas that run contrary to the Constitution. I'd not vote for him if he was convicted of circumventing his limits under the Constitution to disarm his political enemies. To be perfectly frank... if even half of what Bolton's accusing him of is true... I'd rather the GOP themselves find a way to replace him as the nominee... but that seems unlikely. Most all of this and more has been accused... but accusations do not constitute the truth. It's even more difficult to "trust" in these accusations when there is every appearance that the opposition is willing and able to bend the facts... if not outright lie... in order to remove him from office; and I'm often left asking myself why that is so important to them.

At the end of the day, Bolton seems more open with his story than he did under oath... that alone raises many questions. Being boorish, insensitive, inarticulate, and even irresponsible are not impeachable offenses... though they may very well prevent someone from being re-elected. I still maintain that is how it's done in this country; and if the DNC keeps pressing a "progressive" agenda aimed at destroying everything I hold of value... I'll keep voting "straight R" down the list... until there are no longer any candidates I can support. At that point... I'll pray.
LCDR Joshua Gillespie
LCDR Joshua Gillespie
>1 y
Cpl Tou Lee Yang - I understand (and sympathize) perhaps more than you might think, and also agree with you that programs such as those that helped you shouldn't be short-changed or eliminated merely to increase someone else's profits. That said, I believe (based largely on personal experience) that many of these programs (as they currently exist) are corrupted by abuse, often co-opted for purposes other than humanitarian reasons, and given token support by politicians who know that doing so will ensure support from their "base"... even for initiatives those voters would largely not support. In many, many ways... the GOP does this as well when it comes to social conservatism issues. For me, it's not a choice between the party of "compassion"... or the party of "capitalism", but rather a choice between those who will honor the Constitution... and those who want to replace it with something far less agreeable for everyone. Thank you very much for your point of view, and some important things to consider.
Cpl Tou Lee Yang
Cpl Tou Lee Yang
>1 y
LCDR Joshua Gillespie - I believe it's where and how you were raised that will determines the nature of your values and belief. I have rich friends who never knew poverty and they're strict Republican and they vilified the poor. And as a person who also trust and value the Constitution, I can't support Trump. Nepotism and Emoluments Clause is just a laws in the Constitution that Trump has been violating. How can anyone who value the Constitution seriously accept these violation of the Constitution?
LCDR Joshua Gillespie
LCDR Joshua Gillespie
>1 y
Cpl Tou Lee Yang - In principle, I agree with everything you're saying. Trouble is, I can't rectify the facts with what is being alleged. This is made worse by the actions of members of the DNC who have "vilified" people of my background (working class, Caucasian, Christian, rural voters) for going on two decades now. Trump isn't someone I'd claim I have anything "in common" with... but I've yet to see any tangible evidence that what "they" are accusing him of is anywhere near the reality of what he's actually done... nor any different from what "they" do routinely. At times, it's like a "kangaroo court" run by the hyenas. All I can rely on when deciding which "side" to back is that the "Progressive" liberal platform wants more regulations (which will ultimately destroy sustainable job growth for the working class), higher taxes (though in truth, the GOP's doing only slightly better on that score), more restrictions on the 2nd Amendment (which will ultimately leave many Americans defenseless), and a sustained assault on religious freedoms guaranteed under the 1st Amendment (by allowing prosecution for simply following the tenets of our religion, and ostracizing us from commerce and civil government). I can't claim to be poor... but I come from a background of poverty... so for me at least, it's not as simple as choosing between one side of the tracks or the other.
LCDR Joshua Gillespie
LCDR Joshua Gillespie
>1 y
Capt Gregory Prickett - Ok-you get the credit for catching my one mistake of the month. However, I regret to report we will not be sending out the complimentary wine and cheese baskets this year due to COVID-19.

Seriously though; you're correct, and I appreciate you calling me out on it. That said, the fact remains Bolton did pass on the opportunity to testify voluntarily (who wouldn't, right?) which leaves room for speculation as to why he is instead electing to voice his "testimony" in the form of a "tell all" book which naturally comes under far less scrutiny (and therefore carries far less weight) than an affidavit, correct?
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1SG Civil Affairs Specialist
...as told by a person who decided to forgo an opportunity to tell his story(s) under oath to Congress when it may have made a difference, but rather than do that decided to wait until election season to maximize book sales and personal profit.

That doesn't mean these stories are untrue, it just applies a motive to say... exaggerate and augment things in order to sell books.
LCpl Brad Gross
LCpl Brad Gross
>1 y
He helped your 401k grow
LCpl Brad Gross
LCpl Brad Gross
>1 y
Dint all politicians lie
Cpl Tou Lee Yang
Cpl Tou Lee Yang
>1 y
LCpl Brad Gross - My 401k has been growing since Obama and no one lies the way Trump does...I mean 18,000 times already within a 3 year period. You couldn't muster that in a lifetime.
LCpl Brad Gross
LCpl Brad Gross
>1 y
Don’t all politicians lie to get elected but do you think joes the answer? Bernie got screwed over and joe is the Trojan horse that the lefts been waiting for
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MCPO Roger Collins
Cpl Tou Lee Yang
Cpl Tou Lee Yang
>1 y
Bolton is a warhawk, I guess people loves going to war! And did Trump really fired him?
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