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Responses: 1
CPL LaForest Gray
1.) Is there a special class of United States Citizens that’s above the law? (Nope not talking conspiracy)

2.) Does a job position make a person non accountable for crimes they commit? (Are the “Don’t Tread On Me” crowd gonna bend their knees for an outright Dictator/Dictatorship?!?)

3.) Do people REALLY see themselves as equal or has idolatry warp their common sense?

No JOB title, position puts one human being below or above another … yet lemmings exist.

The President
The King/Queen
The Ruler

Are job position.

People die regardless of their job title.

Idol Worship is Dangerous.


This all boils down to :

* Do politics override the RULE OF LAW?

* Does the political position of the PRESIDENT of the United States supersede ALL LAWS that govern ALL United States Citizens?

* Is the Presidency a Monarchist Position which the United States Citizenship is willing to bow to?

The safeguards the founders left were clear to avoid what now in 2024’ should NOT even be up for debate.

What’s before the courts now because of both being a basic political football/Matryoshka … All the while it’s further testing leg limits and safeguards of our society.

The endgame is a Dictatorship.

Collectively how do people not see the following despite beliefs/feelings/opinions.

What’s before the Supreme Court of the United States :

“Is ANY UNITED STATES CITIZEN, not just the position of the presidency. Is ANY UNITED STATES CITIZENS exempted from local/state/state federal laws … to the constitution?”

That’s EXACTLY what the courts are deciding.

Logic & FACTS

*** Disclaimer : This a repost from myself, because people are tooooo comfortable with the status quo. ***

“I will not apologize for telling the FACTS, in a world that worship the lies”.

Incarcerated Veterans

Veterans can sometimes run into issues with law enforcement and the criminal justice system resulting in incarceration. It is important justice-involved Veterans are familiar with VA benefits including what VA benefits they may still eligible to receive, what happens to the VA benefits they are already receiving if they become incarcerated, and what programs are available to assist them with reintegrating back into the community once released from incarceration.

VA Benefits

Despite the circumstances, some justice-involved Veterans may be eligible for VA benefits. Disability compensation, pension, education and training, health care, home loans, insurance, Veteran readiness and employment, and burial. See our Veterans page for an overview of the benefits available to all Veterans. Please be aware many VA benefits can be affected by incarceration. The following sections provide information for justice-involved Veterans.

SOURCE : https://www.benefits.va.gov/persona/veteran-incarcerated.asp#:~:text=Veterans%20in%20receipt%20of%20VA,Veteran%20meets%20VA%20eligibility%20requirements.

Rule of Law for ALL, or no rule of law at ALL.
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