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Responses: 11
SSgt Owner/Operator
The entire theater on the Hill is so badly done no one watches anymore. The IG Report, mainly leftists involved, is a sham IMHO. No one will be sent to jail. All the libs watching the MSMs will be told "see, nothing to see here". And the divide will continue to grow.
Capt Gregory Prickett
Capt Gregory Prickett
>1 y
SSgt (Join to see) - OK, let's look at your statement, labeled from the other side:

The entire theater on the Hill is so badly done no one watches anymore. The IG Report, mainly neo-cons involved, is a sham IMHO. No one will be sent to jail. All the white supremacists conservatives watching Alex Jones and Breitbart will be told "see, nothing to see here". And the divide will continue to grow.

Your very language tells people on the opposite side of the conversation that it is pointless to discuss the matter, because they will be labeled and denigrated by that label. Plus, anyone who doesn't fit the label but who disagrees will also be labeled that way. It's the wrong way to reduce the divide.
SSgt Owner/Operator
SSgt (Join to see)
>1 y
Thanks Capt Gregory Prickett - I see a bit of what you are saying. Still trying to figure out how to talk about a highly charged subject (politics) in a neutral way. Mr Clinton, 1st term, was the last Dem I voted for at the national level. I've been Independent since that term. Every POTUS and, more importantly, their administration, Senate and SCOTUS has been a BIG disappointment since I became aware of politics in the early 70s.
Yes, every administration does some good things. At the same time, every administration sets something back as well. And no administration has ever really, truly handled the budget. But what really gets my goat is the lack of prosecution for clear violations of Law. But, then again, the political system has been taken over by lawyers.
Capt Gregory Prickett
Capt Gregory Prickett
>1 y
SSgt (Join to see) - it's tough to do it neutrally. Trump was the first time (since I first voted for Regan) that I did not vote GOP for president. I voted Libertarian this time, for Johnson. I can't stand either Trump or Clinton, so I regularly get hammered by both sides, lol.
SSgt Owner/Operator
SSgt (Join to see)
5 y
Capt Gregory Prickett - Trump was the first "Republican" I have voted for since I left the Democratic party near the end of Bill Clinton's tour. I register in one or the other party for the Primaries (Independents are not allowed to vote in those) but otherwise, I am an Independent.

The reason I voted for Trump is three-fold:
1) The promise of SCOTUS nominations
2) Draining the swamp
3) He was **NOT** a professional politician

2020 I have similar reasons to stick with Trump. But, again, it will depend on how well (badly) the game of politics is played out before the vote happens.
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SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
Thank you for the news share brother.
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Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
IG reports are always a tough read and you often need to read between the lines. Haven't read yet, but suspect that is especially true with this one. Thanks for the link to the report.
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