Responses: 5
CWO3 (Join to see) I read some on this earlier today that will add another dimension to the deal if it is ever released.
There was another article discussing Mueller's position in an early investigation while in the FBI. Personally I don't see how he can head an investigation when he was complicit in some parts of the matter in official capacity.
There was another article discussing Mueller's position in an early investigation while in the FBI. Personally I don't see how he can head an investigation when he was complicit in some parts of the matter in official capacity.
CWO3 (Join to see)
Agree that it's worth questioning anything he was involved in that is currently being investigated. The appointment letter gave him great latitude with matters pertaining to Russia, the election, or anything else that might be uncovered. If he has direct involvement with any of these he should disclose and let DAG Rosenstein make the call. There should be no appearance of any conflict(s) of interest. That is not helpful or ethical.
LTC (Join to see)
I find it odd that the Director of the FBI hand delivered a vile of uranium directly to the Russians. Is that the role of the FBI Director? Do we need an Atomic Energy Agency or another agency to do that?
CWO3 (Join to see)
I missed that one, but I can't imagine why he should. Not to worry though because DOE is in the able hands of Gov. Perry. Unless he remembers that the third agency he wants to get rid of is DOE. (humor icon insert here)
Breitbart is synonym with fake white supremacist propaganda outlet. Just like trash is to garbage.
Cpl Tou Lee Yang
MSG Joseph Cristofaro - Joe, it seems as though, YOU are the one with biases partisan view. I'm sure your own source of information is from Fox News. There's no way a normal person with an average level of intelligence would even contemplate that Trump is a better President than Obama. The entire world view of Trump as a moron is closer to the truth than you would like to acknowledge. If my reading comprehension is poor, then the entire world reading comprehension is poor as well. However, polls after polls conducted has view the Trump supporters as the stupidest amongst us. This would include you.
Cpl Tou Lee Yang
MSG Joseph Cristofaro - Joe, first and foremost, I got my degree from Central Washington University it's as admirable as your degree. It was established in 1891, far earlier than the mail order degree you're insinuating.
You're asserting about ACORN which is as biases as the Heritage foundation. A terrorist as if Putin isn't one himself and so many other accusation that makes you look like you wear a tinfoil hat listening to Alex Jones all day.
If you knew anything about Siprnet/Niprnet, you would never even fall into the email BS. Hillary was never indicted or prosecuted for the email, but you're still reliving it as if it was true. I guess this is your only way to deflect from the fact that Trump secretly worked with the Russian to undermine our government.
I guess that's OK with you as long as it's a Republican in office who has nothing in common with you except that he breathes. I'm sure you would like to mention about Bengahzi as well, you can explain to me why the REpublican Congress cut the funding for Embassy security.
You can complain about Affirmative Action, but contrary to popular belief there are some pretty smart black people, just look at Neil deGrasse Tyson. Although I'm sure there are people who made it to prestigious university based on their skin, you can also say many white people made it based on their father's donations.
I guess voting for Trump along with the KKK doesn't make you a racist just as I called out Trump for his incompetent like the majority of the media. And being in the military, I have never left the comfort of the U.S. because I was stationed on based in a foreign country.
On the subject of foreign, I'm an immigrant, emigrated to the U.S. based on the war in Vietnam that created millions of refugee. I lived a life of poverty both in Laos and in the U.S. I never knew what a chicken nugget tasted like until I had it in grade school for lunch. I was only interested in school because I knew I would get to eat something good instead of rice with water and a sprinkle of salt on the side so I can touch it with my spoon after I put a spoonful of rice in my mouth.
Without social programs to help my mother and I, I would still be poor and illiterate. These social program helped me find a place in this nation where I can contribute to society. Don't we all wish we were lucky enough to be born into a rich family.
You're asserting about ACORN which is as biases as the Heritage foundation. A terrorist as if Putin isn't one himself and so many other accusation that makes you look like you wear a tinfoil hat listening to Alex Jones all day.
If you knew anything about Siprnet/Niprnet, you would never even fall into the email BS. Hillary was never indicted or prosecuted for the email, but you're still reliving it as if it was true. I guess this is your only way to deflect from the fact that Trump secretly worked with the Russian to undermine our government.
I guess that's OK with you as long as it's a Republican in office who has nothing in common with you except that he breathes. I'm sure you would like to mention about Bengahzi as well, you can explain to me why the REpublican Congress cut the funding for Embassy security.
You can complain about Affirmative Action, but contrary to popular belief there are some pretty smart black people, just look at Neil deGrasse Tyson. Although I'm sure there are people who made it to prestigious university based on their skin, you can also say many white people made it based on their father's donations.
I guess voting for Trump along with the KKK doesn't make you a racist just as I called out Trump for his incompetent like the majority of the media. And being in the military, I have never left the comfort of the U.S. because I was stationed on based in a foreign country.
On the subject of foreign, I'm an immigrant, emigrated to the U.S. based on the war in Vietnam that created millions of refugee. I lived a life of poverty both in Laos and in the U.S. I never knew what a chicken nugget tasted like until I had it in grade school for lunch. I was only interested in school because I knew I would get to eat something good instead of rice with water and a sprinkle of salt on the side so I can touch it with my spoon after I put a spoonful of rice in my mouth.
Without social programs to help my mother and I, I would still be poor and illiterate. These social program helped me find a place in this nation where I can contribute to society. Don't we all wish we were lucky enough to be born into a rich family.
Cpl Tou Lee Yang
MSG Joseph Cristofaro - Joe, this post is about Uranimum One. For a person that claims to be in touch with reality and well educated, you seem to be supporting this nonsense. It has been debunked over and over, yet you support the false premise over the logical conclusion that it was nothing but bullcrap. Here you are trying to preach your high and mighty degree (which is probably from U. of Phoenix) and that I have no experience in research to determined my own conclusion. Everything to you and the Trump lackey is based on subjective lies if the commentary does not support yours or that of Trump. I know you're trying everything to justify and validate your support for Trump just how the evangelical Christian are trying to do when god specifically mentioned that money, sex, and power is the root of all evil.

Fox News's Shepard Smith hits Trump for 'inaccurate' claims on Uranium One deal
Fox News host Shepard Smith blasted President Trump for “inaccurate” claims about the Uranium One agreement following Trump’s repeated calls for the Justice Department to investigate the Obama-era deal.
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