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Responses: 3
TSgt Jack Oberholtzer
Bullshit article. Next you will be telling me about all my generational wealth (that is sarcasm, I have none). Privilege exists, some people with it are white, some black and every other color of the rainbow. When I was young and looked like a punk I was treated like a punk. I am older now, have short hair, clean clothes, I speak up, look people in the eye and treat people with respect and am treated the same.
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PFC Nicholas Efstathiou
Looks like an interesting read.
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
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Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
The term White privilege is used with a broad brush against all white people and it needs to stop!
From the article:
1.) White privilege is defined as “Having greater access to power and resources than people of color [in the same situation] do.” Was it white privilege when I went to college and had to work three jobs to get through when the African American lady at the financial aid office told me I couldn't get the money I needed because I was white? She then proceeded to tell me that if I was anything but white I would have gotten all the money I needed to live and go to school. HELL NO! I have may other examples as well but this one hits home because I barely had a place to live and food to eat and there were times I didn't know if I was going to be able to eat.
2.) The comments about the armed white men storming the capital in protest yelling at the cops not being brutalized. They weren't brutalized as they were not violent, looting and rioting, they were exercising their right to protest and they did. No one got hurt and not one officer had a hand laid on them, and they cleaned up after themselves. The people of color protests were shot with rubber bullets etc...they were not only protesting which BTW I agree with, but they were looting and rioting and throwing things at cops and shoving and hitting them.
3.) Seriously bandaid colors OMG.
4.) White people are less likely to be followed, interrogated or searched by law enforcement because they look “suspicious.” BS---I have been stopped numerous times by cops wondering why I am where I am or why my car is parked there and I am sitting in it. White people’s skin tone will not be a reason people hesitate to trust their credit or financial responsibility. My financial advisor is black!
If white people are accused of a crime, they are less likely to be presumed guilty, less likely to be sentenced to death and more likely to be portrayed in a fair, nuanced manner by media outlets. A friend of mine killed his wife. He was tried three different times and found guilty every time...not offered a plea deal even though is was accidental...went for Murder one every time and finally got it...white privilege my tookus.
5.) “Multiple surveys have shown that many white people support the idea of racial equality but are less supportive of policies that could make it more possible, such as reparations, affirmative action or law enforcement reform.” I am for affirmative action..I am for Law enforcement reform but I am not for reparations for something that I disagree with (slavery) that happened 10 or more Generations ago and that my family had nothing to do with.
So to paint an entire class of people with a broad brush term is not right...either way and this White Privilege may apply to some but it certainly does not apply to all of us.
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