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Responses: 3
MSG Thomas Currie
Apparently some parts of the medical industry (I would not call those parts a "Profession") have forgotten the "First do no harm" part of the Hippocratic oath. Imposing permanent life-altering unneeded treatment on young children is not medical care.

The problem with laws trying to rein in such abuse is that there is simply no room for "common sense" in any law. Laws have to be specific. Laws written with the best of intentions can have unintended consequences -- such laws can also be deliberately interpreted to create consequences entirely for the purpose of discrediting the law.
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LTC David Brown
Edited 3 mo ago
Sweden, England, and other European countries have done scientific studies on gender dysphoria. The incidence of true transgenderism is rare. Much of what is happening in these countries was socially driven buttressed by autism. These studies indicate that leaving these children alone is the best course of action, the kids out grow the gender dysphoria. Suicide rates are not increase by benign neglect. Why there is even a question about not stopping hormone blockers and surgery is simply child abuse.
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SGT Whatever Needs Doing.
He's an "Expert"? "Jason Pierceson is a political science professor at the University of Illinois-Springfield." Is that a new field of medicine?
'“These bans are not, I think, required under any kind of policy logic. But they are driven by ideology and, I think, a certain desire to ban trans people from public life,” he said." Change the words trans people to gun owners, then you have a true statement.
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