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Responses: 5
1stSgt Eugene Harless
This story is from May. Clanton is an animal and is the epitome of a growing number of people who are the left side of the spectrum who have lost their flipping minds. His ilk are no better than the phantom "Nazis" he thinks he is fighting.
He has a high-powered lawyer and since none of his victims sustained long term injury and he is being tried in an area that is both easy on violent criminals and sympathetic to the left I foresee him getting off with a suspended sentence and parole.
What this jerk doesn't realize is that if those "fantasy Nazis" in his head were as real and extreme as he swears they are his life wouldn't be worth a plugged nickel. He would have been severely beaten when the police ( who he says are fascist pigs) took him into custody or would have been raped and shanked by Nazi Gangs in Jail.
Oh and those brown shirt death squads would have abducted him when he was bailed out, put a bullet in his head and dumped him on the steps at Berkeley.
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SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
Wonder what the idiot(Clanton) would have done if the victim of his assault had not gone down, and kicked the crap out of him(Clanton)?
1stSgt Eugene Harless
1stSgt Eugene Harless
7 y
He didn't stay around to see what happened. He was hiding behind a female, jumped out and blind-sided the guy then jumped back and took off like a stripe-assed ape.
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LTC Marc King
Think this says it all...
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