Posted on Sep 7, 2022
Elected officials, police chiefs on leaked Oath Keepers list
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 5
What about the roles of the black Panthers, black lives matter, the yakusa, and other minority hate groups? If you look at one look at them all!
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
CPL LaForest Gray we have had and still do have problems with extremists FROM ALL RACES AND BELIEFS...What you and other leftist liberal want is to attack white and minority this day and age if you are white and a republican and speak out you are a domestic extremist...if you are black and a republican you are labeled an extremist and an Uncle tom...tired of the left throwing monikers without calling is what happens when there is no logical debate or facts...not all Republicans nor democrats are extremist but that is what the lefts leadership is promoting for division and people are biting it hook line and sinker!!!!
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
CPL LaForest Gray you are not the problem for liberals are the problem when you pull one out of hundreds of thousands that have and are serving with dignity and honor and integrity. You pull one or a couple because it fits your narrative...that's the problem.
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
CPL LaForest Gray again One out of hundreds of thousands...what about those three are from the bloods, the crips, black Panthers et al that join to learn weapons and close quarter combat tactics...we have them all but you are not posting those are you!
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
MSG Joseph Cristofaro - Wasting your time and energy..he doesn't understand the point that if he posted all extremeist inthe ranks versus focusing on white people would leave it alone. We know we have them all but to focus on just one is wrong. That's like cutting the tail off a will grow back if you don't get it all.
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