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Responses: 9
CPT Jack Durish
Wait for it... wait for it... Who will be the first to attempt to parallel this with Trump's campaign? The truth is that schools have always been instruments of propaganda. Of course, we don't call it propaganda when the indoctrination is considered "good". Sadly, if you talk to children in schools today, especially American colleges, you will discover that the indoctrination has taken on a more insidious aspect. Traditional American virtues of rugged individualism and personal responsibility have been replaced with collectivism and centralized control (all in the name of "fairness" of course).
SGT English/Language Arts Teacher
SGT (Join to see)
8 y
I hope nobody does that, Captain!
SFC Opsnco
SFC (Join to see)
8 y
We are a conservative family. My daughter is a member of her H.S. debate team. Last year her debate coach, a far left liberal, had the students defend an opposing opinion. My daughter is a staunch supporter of 2A as well as other conservative issues. Her assignment was to present a case against 2A. This didn't make me mad, this downright pissed me off. I didn't go to the teacher, instead I went straight to the principal's office with the intent of following up with the school board. "Indoctrination" is a parents job not an educators. I wasn't the only one to voice concerns. Many liberal and conservative parents were complaining about this assignment. The teacher defended herself by saying she assigned conservative issues to the liberal students and liberal issues to the conservative students. Thus it was an equal assignment for both sides of the aisle. Yes, this may be true but this is the new MO educators use to further their personal agendas. Our children are being taught to not question the leaders authority but to question their parents authority. This is how it starts:
"It's OK, you don't have to believe it; I just want to present a different viewpoint."
"It's OK, this is just for a grade, nothing more."
It's nothing more than a nefarious action to influence impressionable minds. It happens every day in the educational system.
CPT Jack Durish
CPT Jack Durish
8 y
SFC (Join to see) - Your daughter missed a great opportunity. She could have unleashed a torrent of anti-2nd Amendment rhetoric (there's plenty of material to draw upon). Properly presented, the absurdity of their position becomes clear in their own words. She could have closed with a smile and a bit of irony: "Yes, it really is that illogical". I won a speech contest in 1960 (an adjunct of debating) when I was given the topic "Why should a Catholic not be elected President of the United States?", one minute to prepare and three minutes to speak. The judge was a Catholic Nun/College Professor. I threw caution to the wind and repeated everything my father every said on the subject (he hated Catholics), and ended with a smile and "...or so I've been told".
SFC Opsnco
SFC (Join to see)
8 y
CPT Jack Durish I agree with your comment. I truly believe that in order to be an effective debater you need to educate yourself on both sides of the argument. Those that can only support and defend their own side are the easy targets as they only think linear. I do think the teacher's reasoning behind assigning the topics was rational. But, I believe parents should have been contacted beforehand as this assignment can easily spiral out of control.
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LTC Self Employed
I thought it was great for Walt Disney to express to young kids back then to know why they are fighting the Axis and why they have ration books for the war effort. Just think how Disney would have expressed it even better had they known for sure about all the death camps in Poland and elsewhere. Only guys like David Duke and Iran's Achmadenijad still don't think the Holocaust happened since they both hate Jews. It was not Jews they killed but Catholic Priests against the Nazi Party, political rivals, Gays, mentally retarded, gypsies and anyone else undesireable or considered an enemy of Nazi Germany were murdered.
SGT English/Language Arts Teacher
SGT (Join to see)
8 y
I have those as well. I think it explained the war well. Propaganda can also be true, and sometimes we forget that aspect.
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
8 y
LTC (Join to see) - Love some of the War Propaganda. I used to have a copy of "Dr Seuss Goes to War" and I need to replace it since I lost it.
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Capt Daniel Goodman
I'd known such things were done, admittedly, they're seemingly over the top at first glance, I realize, however, the sensibilities of the period as well as the clear danger obv necessitated such quite entirely graphic methodologies. Obv, such methodologies would never be tolerated or believed as naively now, however, other major film figured, e.g., Frank Capra, and John Ford, both of whom I'd known were active military during ww2, also assisted with similar efforts, both to educate, as well as for morale, of course. There's a very funny thing Adm Halsey I think had said, during ww2, I'll try to find it, I think it's apropos here, lol, many thanks....
SGT English/Language Arts Teacher
SGT (Join to see)
8 y
Thanks for the point
Capt Daniel Goodman
Capt Daniel Goodman
8 y
Many thanks, much appreciated, of course...
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