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Responses: 4
CW3 Harvey K.
“In the long run we are all dead” -- true enough an economic viewpoint, but necessarily "short-sighted". It leaves to the future generation the burden (or the renunciation) of the debt.
SGT English/Language Arts Teacher
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Keynesian economics advocated federal spending to mitigate downturns in business cycles. Government spending stimulates demand, and thus production, which will increase employment. Government spending and deficits were never supposed to be a long-term solution, only a measure to rectify the effects of laissez faire economics. Spending on infrastructure is one of the best example of spending that stimulates the economy and puts people to work. If you think about it, government has not actually stimulated the economy since Eisenhower's National Interstate Highway project. The government is handing out money in the form of "stimulus" checks without building things in return. Recent weather events and cyber attacks have shown that our national infrastructure is compromised. The Democrats, unfortunately, have lost site of what is actual stimulus and what is actual infrastructure. If you spend with nothing to show for it, you have wasted money. CW3 Harvey K. LTC John Shaw
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LTC John Shaw
Great theory, let's see how all this debt continues to pile up. https://www.visualcapitalist.com/government-debt-in-2021/
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1LT Voyle Smith
His writings heavily influenced leaders in our country and their response to the Great Depression. Massive government spending was credited with pulling us out of tha misery. But largely overlooked was the affect of the Second World War. The general mobilization for the war put every one who could stand and walk into a job meeting the demands of our Armed Forces. In my opinion, government spending simply to spread money around wouldn’t have ended the Depression. Massive spending was required to meet the demands of our Armed Forces for weapons, ammunition, vehicles, fuel, military clothing and aircraft to deliver munitions on targets and keep our forces supplied for the duration of the war. It was that spending that ended the Depression.
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