Posted on Jul 9, 2019
Dramatic video shows boat being struck by lightning as US hit by flash floods
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 2
I personally got to witness a lighting strike hit the mast of a sailboat at approx. 50yds. I'm here to tell you that'll get your attention. I damn near jumped out of my skin, followed quickly by a string of "expletive deleted's"!
MAJ Bryan Zeski
Climate change is the cause of these increasing dramatic weather events. Everyone mocks those people in the past who talked about bad things happening because of climate, but here they are, happening, and those people are STILL being mocked because the world hasn't ended yet.
PO1 John Johnson
MAJ Bryan Zeski - I don't mock climate change, I mock the idiots who think that it's a man-made problem and ignore science that has proven AND confirmed: 1.) it's a cyclical occurrence and has happened too many times to count, and 2.) we cannot control the weather and the cyclical nature of the planet, etc., and 3.) the world is NOT going to end in 12 years (or whatever timeline we're now on for the 7th time in my short lifespan)!
MAJ Bryan Zeski
PO1 John Johnson It's a bold statement to say that 97% of scientists who study this kind of thing are idiots. What is your background and expertise that invalidates those 97%?
1) is climate change cyclical? Yes. We know that. All of those 97% of scientists know that. What we also know is that we've changed that cycle - sped it up and intensified it.
2) we cannot control weather. True. But we can, and do, influence weather. We use cloud seeding to encourage rain in certain places.
2a) localized weather and global climate, while part of the same system are drastically different things.
3) I agree. The world will not end in 12 years. That possible hyperbole and exaggeration is keys towards the very real fact that if we don't change something that we are doing - as humans - in the near future, the global climate will soon (1 or 2 generations) be more in hospitable to human life. There will be less land available for living on, for growing on and for maintaining livestock on. What are now considered extreme weather phenomenon will become the "norm." People will adapt and survive - until they can't.
Man-hastened climate change IS a real thing and IS something we can mitigate the effects of. I'm happy to stand with the 97% of scientists (idiots) on this one.
1) is climate change cyclical? Yes. We know that. All of those 97% of scientists know that. What we also know is that we've changed that cycle - sped it up and intensified it.
2) we cannot control weather. True. But we can, and do, influence weather. We use cloud seeding to encourage rain in certain places.
2a) localized weather and global climate, while part of the same system are drastically different things.
3) I agree. The world will not end in 12 years. That possible hyperbole and exaggeration is keys towards the very real fact that if we don't change something that we are doing - as humans - in the near future, the global climate will soon (1 or 2 generations) be more in hospitable to human life. There will be less land available for living on, for growing on and for maintaining livestock on. What are now considered extreme weather phenomenon will become the "norm." People will adapt and survive - until they can't.
Man-hastened climate change IS a real thing and IS something we can mitigate the effects of. I'm happy to stand with the 97% of scientists (idiots) on this one.
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