Posted on May 23, 2016
Donald Trump Adviser Signals Plan to Change Veterans’ Health Care
Posted 9 y ago
Responses: 7
Dear God...He wants to change the VA and how many of his businesss went bankrupt? Hillary is not any better. I just want someone to take over that has experience dealing with the VA system (preferrably a vet).
MAJ Andrew Ready
Well shinseki didn't do so hot so I don't think being a veteran has anything to do with it.
SCPO Joshua I
and as I understand each of those businesses that went bankrupt were fixed and brought back to profitability and their debts paid. Bankruptcy doesn't always just mean abandoning one's debts, for a business it means restructuring the debts so the company can regroup and eventually pay them off.
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
SCPO Joshua I - The debts were not paid where did you get the idea from that they were?
put everyone on the federal civil service health insurance with zero copayments. Outsource the benefits portion to private companies whose fees are not tied to what benefits are granted.
I think the VA is hard broke and will never be repaired to provide the services to our nations veterans. What I would like to see is for the government to dismantle the VA and turn it into a insurance situation like Tricare. That way, we can see whatever doctor is necessary and close to our homes. It would actually save the government money by not having to pay overhead in facilities and high ranking civilian executive positions. Just my two cents.
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