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Responses: 8
SSG Robert Perrotto
Edited >1 y ago
it says "discouraged" but it is still at the servicemebers discretion. Every PCS I have done, I provided Pizza and cokes for the movers. along with myself and family. They still provided me with a service, and I appreciated that service, and letting me and my family have a less stressful relocation. Now, if they ask for it, that's a different story.

We tip waiters/waitresses for less service then these workers provide us, most times your lucky if the waiter/waitress returns to check if you are enjoying the meal, yet not only is tipping waiters/waitresses encouraged, it's expected.
SSG Observer   Controller/Trainer (Oc/T)
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
Only in the US. In a lot of European countries, it's considered rude to tip. I get your point though.
SSG Robert Perrotto
SSG Robert Perrotto
>1 y
SSG (Join to see) - Yes, The gratuity is included in the bill if you sit at a table, another difference is, once you sit at a table, that table is yours for however long you want to stay. The European waiters/waitresses do not rush you out to turn over the table. As a matter of fact, if you reserve a table, then that table will not be utilized by another customer, no matter what time your reservation is.
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Maj Marty Hogan
Odd never considered it as they were being paid for the service
Maj Marty Hogan
Maj Marty Hogan
>1 y
Sgt Jordan Foster Do you tip the bus driver, do you tip a cop responding to a call? I could go on, but hopefully you get the point.
Sgt Jordan Foster
Sgt Jordan Foster
>1 y
Lmfaoo man it’s so nice to be protected with a salary and benefits and look down on others less fortunate. Point is you don’t get it. There’s people that live off tips due to that being the nature of the job. But your educated hold some rank and time. probably going to retire if you haven’t already. That mover, server and barber on the other hand work for a tip.

There’s people that need tipped and those who don’t. Hopefully you get the point all the way up there on that horse your riding. Maj Marty Hogan
Maj Marty Hogan
Maj Marty Hogan
>1 y
Sgt Jordan Foster - you're kind of juvenile. Protected by salary/benefits- that is called showing up to work, performing to expectations, and succeeding to the extent of many years of service. You would be well served reading my resume.

No I would not tip a mover- I pay the company to move my stuff and from your pompous position I can only ascertain that you tip every person you see each day? I never mentioned the industries you detail in your comment so when you attempt to make an argument please frame it to what is stated as it makes you look less foolish in the end. I don't look down my nose at anyone and worked fairly hard to get where I am. It appears that you have been sitting on the judgmental saddle a but to long.
Sgt Jordan Foster
Sgt Jordan Foster
>1 y
Lol actually I speak from experience as a mover before I joined and an COO of a moving company after I left. So judgmental? Not so much. I said by your standard. And what is the difference? A server gets paid 4 dollars an hour a barber may get 10 and a mover gets 11-12.50 to move all of your furniture all day while you are bringing home around 70 to 100+ A year and bitching about giving a 5-10 dollar tip to somebody that is serving you for a move you didn’t pay a dime for. Moving is a service and services get tipped plain and simple. And I’ll be a pompous foolish asshole with no spit in my food a clean fade and without property damage to my house and furniture because I understand who to tip.

Here’s a tip for you the moment you don’t tip your movers the driver is going to tell the employees at the next destination and that’s the service you will receive. Maj Marty Hogan
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SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
Wait...what? I didn't now tipping movers was a thing.
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