Posted on Sep 18, 2023
Dispelling a Myth about Aid to Ukraine | National Review
Posted 1 y ago
Responses: 2
Thank you for this well-informed article. Now if folks would just read it!
No waste, fraud or abuse in Ukraine? The writer needs to back away from the Crack Pipe. As of Sept. 7th, 76 billion dollars in aid officially and no matter how you color it, the American taxpayer is footing the bill and the American Consumer is paying the price for the economic chaos the various sanctions have caused.
There are no good guys in the conflict and Ukraine isn't coming out the winner. What's the casualties now, 400,000 dead soldiers, infrastructure in rubble, half of the population that hadn't left after the fall of the Soviet Union have left the country and apparently don't plan on going back. To encourage the continuation of this war isn't patriotism, it's murder.
There are no good guys in the conflict and Ukraine isn't coming out the winner. What's the casualties now, 400,000 dead soldiers, infrastructure in rubble, half of the population that hadn't left after the fall of the Soviet Union have left the country and apparently don't plan on going back. To encourage the continuation of this war isn't patriotism, it's murder.
PO1 Kevin Dougherty
I don't think anyone said there was no waste fraud or abuse, no doubt there is. Heck, the last I checked the Pentagon was missing $6.2B in assets for FY2022. That's quite the rounding error. In fact it has been years since the Puzzle Palace passed an Audit.
So what do you propose as an alternative? Allow Russia to take land as they choose just by finding some excuse to invade? If you dig beyond the mainstream news, you will find the Ukrainians are willing and ready to fight, they want/need our help, but they do not want our people. Hmmm, sounds familiar, I see to recall some folks in the late 18th century who were facing down a giant and no one gave them a chance. In fact they lost most of their battles, but in the end, won the war.
So what do you propose as an alternative? Allow Russia to take land as they choose just by finding some excuse to invade? If you dig beyond the mainstream news, you will find the Ukrainians are willing and ready to fight, they want/need our help, but they do not want our people. Hmmm, sounds familiar, I see to recall some folks in the late 18th century who were facing down a giant and no one gave them a chance. In fact they lost most of their battles, but in the end, won the war.
CPT Lawrence Cable
PO1 Kevin Dougherty - Let's go in and sponsor a UN vote with the people on the line and see how many think they should continue. Willing to fight? Is that why half the population has fled the country and the "Draft" has essentially become press gangs?
Since you want to play history, let me remind you that half the continent stayed with the British.
The simple fact is that Ukraine has always been a country defined by outside powers. The Eastern Oblasts and especially Crimea are heavily ethnic Russian that the Government after the 2014 Coup started to discriminate against immediately, the reason for the breakaway Republics. Crimea is the home of the Russian Black Sea Fleet and their warm water port, anyone that looked at history should have known that the Russians weren't going to give that up. `
And let me remind you that Ukraine celebrates the birthday of Stepan Bandera, a REAL Nazi, and the two militias that were rolled into the regular Army, Azov Brigade and Right Sector, are honest to God Neo-Nazis. Those facts alone would tell me to keep this people at Arms Length.
Since you want to play history, let me remind you that half the continent stayed with the British.
The simple fact is that Ukraine has always been a country defined by outside powers. The Eastern Oblasts and especially Crimea are heavily ethnic Russian that the Government after the 2014 Coup started to discriminate against immediately, the reason for the breakaway Republics. Crimea is the home of the Russian Black Sea Fleet and their warm water port, anyone that looked at history should have known that the Russians weren't going to give that up. `
And let me remind you that Ukraine celebrates the birthday of Stepan Bandera, a REAL Nazi, and the two militias that were rolled into the regular Army, Azov Brigade and Right Sector, are honest to God Neo-Nazis. Those facts alone would tell me to keep this people at Arms Length.
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