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Responses: 7
1SG Civil Affairs Specialist
There is more to this than the ignorance of the masses.
This is a coordinated assault on history with an agenda. It is not enough to say that America is unjust; these guys would destroy the memory of those that worked tirelessly to make it more just. This is not an accident; their ideology demands it.
Once they saw that Confederate monuments could be pulled down with impunity, the target list rapidly expanded.
The best solution is a civics lesson on legal ways to remove memorials that are controversial, and arresting and charging vandals that just want to break stuff.
Col Joseph Lenertz
Col Joseph Lenertz
>1 y
Agree. Must establish rule of law. and there are legal ways to have statues removed.
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LTC David Brown
Edited >1 y ago
Excellent share. I read the speech Fredrick Douglas gave at the Washington monument. It is well worth the read. Then I read about the memorial. You are correct. What you State is exactly what the imagery is supposed to convey. I think of it like a runner in the starting blocks. Lincoln fires the pistol and the runner is off. I think the destruction of statues is the beginning of an attempt to remove the long history of abolitionist efforts in America from our history. These people want to portray America as an irredeemable racist evil country. Once they sell enough people on this belief they are well on their way. One of the cofounders of Black Lives Matters, a lady named Cullors, believes the American slave rebellions allowed the racist north to win the civil war, hence the destruction statues of Lincoln, Grant and Hegg etc. Of course Lin, Grant etc would be surprised the slaves freed themselves. They are also going after the Statue of St Louse, it never ends.
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Cpl Benjamin Long
Deconstruction is just Sun Tzu's commentary on tearing down enemy idols and imagery....
Col Joseph Lenertz
Col Joseph Lenertz
>1 y
Do the vandals see the Emancipation Memorial as an enemy idol? Are they informed on who paid for the memorial...who built it?
LTC David Brown
LTC David Brown
>1 y
Col Joseph Lenertz - many are ignorant, the ones pulling the levers know what they are doing. Read some about Cullors one of the BLM cofounders
Cpl Benjamin Long
Cpl Benjamin Long
>1 y
LTC David Brown even at that their objective is to cast down the heresy and erect thier own image...
Col Joseph Lenertz
Col Joseph Lenertz
>1 y
I wonder what their new image would be. I also wonder if they've ever built anything in their lives.
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