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Responses: 20
CPT Jack Durish
Thank you Mr. Putin. From the bottom of my heart, thank you
MSG Operation And Capabilities Development Nco
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>1 y
CPT Jack Durish - I have never come to terms with 'lobbyists' or the 'political donations.' People are paying into a candidate who in turn gives something in return... yes, that would be a bribe, but the days of mobsters with briefcases stuffed with cash for lenient policies toward gamblers are long gone. But today's lobbyists, on behalf of CEOs and Sport's types will own an election with their dollar. To me, it's plain wrong. I don't have an answer on campaign finance reform, several ideas, but I could counter each of my ideas with another.

That said, a foreign government hacks into crooked idiots and exposes them- I could say I'm glad people finally got to see what I always expected. A foreign government pays to place fake news- I could say that dumb voters should have none...

But the point is that a foreign enemy - without the blessing of any candidate or Americans - successfully infiltrated our elections and their goals of discrediting one of our most sacred traditions may have proven fruitful. This is an act of foreign espionage, unwanted foreign influence, and damn near an act of war.
CPT Jack Durish
CPT Jack Durish
>1 y
All good points, but you're jumping the gun. There is no evidence yet that any foreign government intentionally "stole" the election. They didn't stuff ballot boxes, did they? They didn't hack into voting machines and alter the vote count, did they? They might have gotten their hands on information that embarrassed the DNC or the Clinton campaign and leak it, but they didn't make up anything, did they? They voiced opinions about the election. Hell, everybody voiced opinions. So what. As a voter, I just took it all in, believed some, laughed at some, got angry over some, then made my decision. So did many other Americans. There were some Americans who "sold" their votes, but it was other Americans offering the bribes (with money they took from foreign donors). I disapprove, but didn't take any. So what the hell is everyone upset with Trump about?
MSG Operation And Capabilities Development Nco
MSG (Join to see)
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CPT Jack Durish - you're probably right. I may jump the gun on this. Hell, we've done this to countries throughout the world.

My thinking is that no one should be mad at Trump for this. Or if you like Trump, that shouldn't stop someone from taking a serious look into this.

The election results weren't hacked or extra holes punched in the ballots (I'm not sure if anyone punches holes anymore), it was partly a disinformation campaign mixed with stealing and publicizing campaign emails. (Clearly somethings in there people should know.)

I'm just worrisome the narrative is quickly becoming if your a GOP supporter then Russia's unilateral attempt to discredit this election is a liberal-led attempt to deny defeat and is shedding immunity of investigation into the extent of Russian interference.
CPT Jack Durish
CPT Jack Durish
>1 y
MSG (Join to see) - This narrative is nothing more than an attempt to delegititamize Trump's presidency. The Democrats are in for a real pounding in at least the next two years. They're going to be fighting with everything they have to prevent Trump's success. After all, if Trump succeeds, what will they have left to fight with?
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SFC Dante Alanis
Now that we got this out of the way... Can we talk about the corruption and disdain towards the public within the DNC?
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MSgt Michael Bischoff
So it's OK!! I got it. I really don't think the interference made a difference, but celebrating this is a traitorous act!!
Cpl Jeff N.
Cpl Jeff N.
>1 y
The leaks were not fake news. The leaks were actual documents that have not been disputed by anyone at the DNC or the Clinton campaign. No one has contradicted a single document put out by Wikileaks regardless of the source of the leak.
PO2 Robert M.
PO2 Robert M.
>1 y
celebrating this is a traitorous act!!
Wow - what a Sad, Sad, Statement!
MSgt Michael Bischoff
MSgt Michael Bischoff
>1 y
PO2 Robert M. - so if you support a foreign hack of our country for political, economic, or personal gain is treason. You know like Snowden. That is treason.
Capt Jeff S.
Capt Jeff S.
>1 y
MSgt Michael Bischoff - I am going to have to disagree with respect to what Snowden did. He exposed the corrupt actions of an out of control gov't that was trampling on the Constitutional rights of its citizens. It would not have been exposed had he used the proper channels.

On the other hand what PFC Manning did constitutes treason without any doubt! His sole purpose was to embarrass Powhatan Virginiathe Army for not treating him like the Queen he was. And that POS even whined about how the Marines treated him. Screw that! That moron really screwed up his life and it's hard to feel sorry for him. And no, having a girl's name and wearing women's clothes and makeup doesn't change the pronoun by which he is referred to.
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