The Only Conspiracy Theory I Believe In? Granny Sandy in Her Sneaky Mind, "I'll Make Ladies that Put you in your Place! LOL! Climbing the Mast of USS California, USS Arkansas, Not a Problem, Watching My Daughter Climb Rock Walls at Dicks Sporting Good and Worlds of Fun Should have Clued Me In! "Your Dad Took a Course as a Med Tech" Amanda Has a Degree as Med Tech! Hailey, Your Grandpa was Quite a Dancer during the "Disco" Age. Hailey has Several Musicals under Her Belt as a Dancer, Madison, Your Grandpa Played the Drums A Long Time Ago, Madison Plays the Piano, Clarinet and Sax! Even Before Jo could Speak, "Your Papa Thinks He is F&&king Jaques Cousteau" You Will Take Him Down a Notch! I Watched Her Pet a Shark and I Don't think She was Much More than 3. LOL!