Responses: 4
anybody want to know what a political witch hunt is...just look at this. Not sure this person is totally clean but to let the people from Planned parenthood skate free stinks.
SGT Jeremiah B.
As much as I hate abortion, this is one I have to give PP. I work at a hospital that retains a biorepository. We "sell" tissue to researchers, but the fee is the costs associated with the sample. There is no profit involved, but someone just looking at our list wouldn't know that.
SSG (Join to see)
SGT Jeremiah B. - I'm not a fan of abortion either, however I do support a woman's right to choose during the early stages of pregnancy before brain function begins in the fetus.
PO2 Mark Saffell
That's my point on all of this. The are going after the people that made the video for forging a drivers Lic. These people did the same thing as 60 Minutes reporters do every day. The only difference is it about abortion which a lot of liberals support any time for any reason...even long after a baby would survive if it was born. My grandson was born 2 months early is the best thing in my life, yet liberals support killing babies that are further along than he was.
SGT Jeremiah B.
PO2 Mark Saffell - SOME liberals. Some. I don't know many that are pro-late term abortion. I'm one of the rare Left-leaning Pro-Lifers and know many, many pro-choicers that think late term is abhorrent.
That said, no, reporters will lie or misrepresent, but they do not typically falsify official documents and get away with it. To make it worse, the idiots did it all in an effort to trigger an official investigation, which creates the minor problem of now LEOs are looking at you too.
That said, no, reporters will lie or misrepresent, but they do not typically falsify official documents and get away with it. To make it worse, the idiots did it all in an effort to trigger an official investigation, which creates the minor problem of now LEOs are looking at you too.
I don't believe it will stop people from believing them. I know what I saw and heard and to me they were selling aborted babies and parts. They have yet to say whether the videos were doctored or not. If that was the case, that would be the stand Planned parenthood would have taken versus that they were obtained illegally. Planned parenthood just got caught and they are in damage control right now trying to "flick that booger" somewhere else instead of them. I can't believe that they weren't held accountable in any way. There could be two cases here...PP selling babies and that the videos were obtained illegally...either way they were exposed.
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
LTC (Join to see) - We will just have to agree to disagree on our views because we are on the opposite ends of the spectrum. However, thanks for a healthy debate and commentary and keeping it professional...not personal. Too many folks make it personal with attacks...I truly appreciate your candor.
COL Ted Mc
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth - Colonel; Planned Parenthood does, as the law allows, charge the reasonable cost of transportation of the material.
(Regardless of your position on the morality or legality of abortion, once a foetus has been aborted [or a body part removed] it is "material".)
(Regardless of your position on the morality or legality of abortion, once a foetus has been aborted [or a body part removed] it is "material".)
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
COL Ted Mc - Thanks for the clarification. I don't agree with it or like it but it is the law.
COL Ted Mc
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth - Colonel; To paraphrase a famous person "The LAW belongs to Caesar but MORALITY belongs to God.".
As long as we keep that distinction straight then we don't really have any problems with "separation of Church and State".
When we start "fuzzifying" the distinction then we have to start looking at WHICH "Church" the "State" is going to conform to and that means that we also have to start looking at which "Churches" simply aren't going to be permitted.
As long as we keep that distinction straight then we don't really have any problems with "separation of Church and State".
When we start "fuzzifying" the distinction then we have to start looking at WHICH "Church" the "State" is going to conform to and that means that we also have to start looking at which "Churches" simply aren't going to be permitted.

Suspended Profile
No.....items of this nature pass into urban legend and continue to circulate forever.
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