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Responses: 1
SGT Kevin Hughes
Edited 4 mo ago
You go girl. Life is hard enough without growing up hating yourself. And others hating you because you're different. I have never understood why the hate. I had a brother that was gay, and beaten to a pulp by people that never met him, knew nothing about him, but decided his life somehow interfered with theirs. Yet his name is carved in marble on the City Hall of a huge American City because of his kindness and charity and the number of families he helped and people he touched. But some of those memories are not available to him because of the thugs that put him in the hospital with a fractured skull, broken ribs, and bruises every where. And yet he forgave them. He told me this: "Those people didn't hate me, they reacted out of fear. People are afraid of differences. And fear can make you do strange things." Just be you. I was one of the lucky ones I never had to hide my feelings ...none of us Hetero sexual's do. Not once in my life, has someone decided what I am worth or who I am based on my sexual preferences. Peace to those who had to learn to like themselves just because Society taught them to hate who they are. You go girl.
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