Posted on Oct 7, 2021
Colorado Hospital Refuses Kidney Transplant to Woman Over COVID-19 Vaccine Refusal
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 5
I guess it makes sense... the doctors want to give the kidney to someone who has a better chance of living... Covid19 is way more likely to kill someone who has an underlying condition and has not been vaccinated. It blows my mind that someone would refuse the shot when they had a new chance at a better life...
PFC David Foster
CPL Adam Schoenwald - If the person has had the virus before, that's a different story... the immune system leaned to recognize it naturally.... whether it is better than the vaccine or not, I don't know.... the immigrants are being vaccinated.... there is just so much fake news out there... I get it.... I'm sorry....
SGT (Join to see)
CPL Adam Schoenwald you are wrong but science is not your strong suite. The Vaccine keeps you from developing the serious effects of the virus which is exactly as it was presented to the public.
1SG (Join to see)
The study demonstrates the power of the human immune system, but infectious disease experts emphasized that this vaccine and others for COVID-19 nonetheless remain highly protective against severe disease and death. And they caution that intentional infection among unvaccinated people would be extremely risky. “What we don’t want people to say is: ‘All right, I should go out and get infected, I should have an infection party,’” says Michel Nussenzweig, an immunologist at Rockefeller University who researches the immune response to SARS-CoV-2 and was not involved in the study. “Because somebody could die.”
Having SARS-CoV-2 once confers much greater immunity than a vaccine—but vaccination remains vital...
Israelis who had an infection were more protected against the Delta coronavirus variant than those who had an already highly effective COVID-19 vaccine

Suspended Profile
Where is the logic that with vaccines that don't even prevent getting sick can somehow mean you are giving it to someone who has a better chance at living?!
I removed the Coronavirus tag. Don't use that for political posts.
I also removed the Joe Biden and Communism tags. Those had nothing to do with this post. Don't misuse the tags for pushing a political agenda.
I also removed the Joe Biden and Communism tags. Those had nothing to do with this post. Don't misuse the tags for pushing a political agenda.
True story, but alt-right biased Epoch Times did not include the hospital's letter which specified the scientific reasons for refusal. Relevant excerpt is copy-pasted about how not having COVID vaccinations is an increased safety risk
"One broad study found kidney transplant patients who contracted COVID-19 had a 21% mortality rate. Other studies found mortality rates ranging from 18% to 32% for transplant recipients who acquired COVID-19. For comparison, the CDC says the current mortality rate for everyone who has tested positive is 1.6%. This is why it is essential that both the recipient and the living donor be vaccinated and take other precautions prior to undergoing transplant surgery."
"One broad study found kidney transplant patients who contracted COVID-19 had a 21% mortality rate. Other studies found mortality rates ranging from 18% to 32% for transplant recipients who acquired COVID-19. For comparison, the CDC says the current mortality rate for everyone who has tested positive is 1.6%. This is why it is essential that both the recipient and the living donor be vaccinated and take other precautions prior to undergoing transplant surgery."
No COVID vaccine? No organ transplant, Colorado hospital decides
A patient on the kidney transplant list was moved to inactive status by UCHealth for not receiving a COVID-19 vaccine.
CPL Adam Schoenwald
One Study, they are basing this on one study in which I find highly suspect of bull shittery because there hasn't been enough time to provide enough evidence to support such claims on the covid vaccine for kidney transplants. And you want to call that science biased on one broad study....fascinating. As Joe Biden would say "COME ON MAN"
PO2 Russell "Russ" Lincoln
CPL Adam Schoenwald The one study you refer to was put together by some of the best researchers in the field, also peer reviewed. Also it used data sets that were sourced from a database that has been tracking kidney disease complications for decades. Lastly the NIH has also reviewed this study. So all in all very well done.
CPL Adam Schoenwald
PO2 Russell "Russ" Lincoln - I agree with you in that even though a broad study it was done with competence but I as you to please refer to the study I posted, which this study took away from. You may see that this study even though a decent study is to broad to apply and further more one is based on having covid while this choice made by colorado doctors refers to refusing a shot. which anyone can agree are two very different things.
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