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Responses: 7
SSgt Christopher Brose
This is exactly the sort of thing gun owners predicted back when the law was passed. No surprise here.
TSgt David L.
TSgt David L.
>1 y
Of course. Only an idiot, or a TRUE mental case would poke a sleeping bear! Or throw rocks at a hornets nest. Or "Your metaphor here"! (Call for special advertising rates!)
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SGT Jim Arnold
TSgt David L. an armed society is a polite society.
TSgt David L.
TSgt David L.
>1 y
Yes it is! Kind Sir! LOL
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SSG Robert Webster
Well since the town in this article is Kennesaw, Georgia it is interesting that the Breitbart haters could not pull their collective heads out of their backsides. This has been regularly reported on since they enacted their law/ordinance in 1982.
What is also very interesting that this law was passed due to the Morton Grove, Illinois 1981 law mandating gun prohibition. It is also interesting that in 2008 due to the SCOTUS decision in DC v. Heller, that Morton Grove dropped the prohibition on handguns.
What is even more interesting is that with the die down of the controversy of the time, that the MSM only trots out a story about Kennesaw only when it suits them and then only to say later that they did cover it in the news. Why because it doesn't fit within their narrative about gun control. What they do trot out is that it was purely symbolic and did not bring down the crime rate and that it really was not universally mandated; where only part of that may be true but it does not tell the whole story. Looking at the crime rate statistics however, actually shows that it did work in bringing down the crime rate.
When someone points out other cities that have enacted similar ordinances they try to point out various factors, but the biggest problem with some of them, those laws are recent in comparison to Kennesaw's.

What most do not point out is that the Kennesaw law was intended to be a big giant FU to the anti-gun crowd, then and now.
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