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Responses: 3
PO2 Bill Reardon
Isn’t it funny how republicans try and stop people from voting
MSgt Steve Sweeney
MSgt Steve Sweeney
>1 y
It's telling...
SR Kenneth Beck
SR Kenneth Beck
>1 y
The Democrat party in the south necessitated the passing of the 15 amendment.
You don’t need an ID to vote in California. You better cross the tees and dot the eyes to vote for a recall in that state.
The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was heavily supported by the Republican Party.
Senate votes for (D) 69% (R) 82%
House votes for (D) 63% (R) 80%
I believe Tammany Hall, and the Chicago Political machine were not paragons of virtue.
We all support fair elections; The electoral process needs to be beyond reproach.
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SR Kenneth Beck
Chip in 2016 only 37 states allowed early voting. 20 of those states allowed Saturday voting and only five allowed Sunday voting, including Georgia. Early voting wasn’t a priority in New York, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, Michigan and others.
When I see boxes of ballots pulled out from under desks in Fulton County after the poll watchers were send home, something smells.
I agree, this provision in HB 631 should be reconsidered. Every eligible voted should be allowed to vote. We should ensure the process is fair and legitimate. Fraud does occur.
The Box 13 scandal was a political scandal occurred in Jim Wells County, Texas during the Senate election of 1948. Lyndon B. Johnson appeared to have lost the Democratic run-off primary to Coke Stevenson, but six days after polls had closed, 202 additional ballots were found in Precinct 13 - all of which were in Johnson's favor.
Reference https://legiscan.com/GA/bill/HB531/2021
MSgt Steve Sweeney
MSgt Steve Sweeney
>1 y
Is it possible what you were told about Fulton County and what actually happened there doesn't comport? If there was an actual legitimate case of fraud, complete with video documented evidence, then why would none of the people that filed cases in Georgia argue fraud that would allow them to present the evidence? Is it possible that people who really wanted Trump would win would make up a story about a video of something rather benign and routine and tell you it was something nefarious? With all the claims of fraud, why has no one actually been able to find significant amounts of fraud that will hold up in a court of law? Whatever happened to Trump's "voter fraud commission"?
SR Kenneth Beck
SR Kenneth Beck
>1 y
I saw the video on channel 30 News, Jacksonville. I'm not alleging fraud, it just smells, to borrow Chips analogy. The poll watches said they were told to leave, counting was done for the night. You make a good point, without evidence, its just a conspiracy theory. I remember the "hanging chad" controversy in Florida during Bush/Gore.
Trumps voter fraud commission was rescinded because almost all of the states didn't like the federal government getting into their business. As long as the constitution (for example the 15 amendment) is followed.
Semper Fi
MSgt Steve Sweeney
MSgt Steve Sweeney
>1 y
SR Kenneth Beck - There were some lawsuits filed and the commission did have a partisan bent to it, but even in the most cooperative of cases, the commission didn't find anything at all. Nothing the could point at to justify their actions. The evidence of widespread voter fraud just isn't there, and the cases that are found are prosecuted and amount to very little. Lastly, a nationwide or, at minimum, a multistate conspiracy that would change enough votes to matter without a single leak exposing the operation? Not likely. The most dramatic actions related to voter fraud are the ones we are seeing now in the courts attempting to limit voting, and it is happening right out in the light of day.
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SR Kenneth Beck
Chip, the Georgia Legislature heard you. The Georgia Senate Bill 202 mandates two Saturday early voting days and making two Sundays optional. A previous version of the bill would have reduced Sunday voting.
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