Christopher Lee dies at 93 - A True WWII SAS and SOE Hero

Who dares lies: why do so many men pretend to have been in the SAS? | The Spectator
Sir Christopher Lee, who died last month aged 93, knew how to play a part. One of the consummate actors of his generation, whose career spanned nearly seven decades, his versatility on stage and…
The two-star general that spoke up to President Carter was an OSS spy in World War II. He had the guts to stand up to the president United States and here's a book about him. He is still alive.
Hazardous Duty: John Singlaub, Malcolm Macconnell: 9780671792299: Books
Hazardous Duty [John Singlaub, Malcolm Macconnell] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. From the front lines of World War II to behind the scenes in the Iran-Contra affair, Major General John K. Singlaub recounts 40 years in the military. Mixing personal anecdotes with well-researched history and previously classified documents