On August 3, 1492, Christopher Columbus set sail with three ships, the Niña, Pinta, and Santa María, from Palos de la Frontera, Spain for the "Indies". An excerpt from the article:
"Columbus left port on 3 August 1492 CE in his famous ships the Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria. His main objective was reaching Cathay, but it was also made clear that he was to claim any lands not already under a sovereign nation for Spain and to the honor of the Catholic Church. To this end, he was given two official documents:
•A contract between him and the crown promising the monarchy 90% of the profits of the venture in return for funding and stipulating that Columbus was awarded the position of viceroy or governor of any lands he took for the crown.•A letter of introduction from Ferdinand and Isabella requesting any monarch Columbus came in contact with to provide him safe passage and provision as his mission was in the service of the Christian faith.
First Voyage - 1492-1493 CE: He arrived at an island in the Caribbean on 12 October 1492 CE and was greeted by a large gathering of indigenous people on the beach. He summoned the captains of the Nina and Pinta and rowed to shore along with the secretary of the fleet and the royal inspector. He knew he had not landed at Cathay but believed he had discovered an island near to his objective which, as far as he could tell, was not claimed by any sovereign nation and so he claimed it for Spain, and this was duly noted by his witnesses.
He was given to understand by the natives that their island was called Guanahani, but he named it San Salvador (still its present name in the Bahamas). The natives (the Arawaks) probably also gave him the name they called themselves, but he referred to them as indios and so established the use of the term Indian for the people of the region and, later, for those of North, Central, and South America. No mention is made of the reactions of the people who had come to greet them, and, shortly afterwards, the five Europeans and the native islanders exchanged gifts of friendship.
Following his first meeting with the natives, he then sailed off in search of Asia. He explored a number of other islands and, after founding the community/fortress of La Navidad on Haiti (with the permission of the local chieftain) consisting of 39 of his men, headed back to Spain (taking a number of kidnapped natives with him) where news of his discovery spread quickly. European Christendom was thrilled at the prospect of a New World of future converts to Christ and the possibilities of unimaginable wealth and Columbus was sent back, in September 1493 CE, to secure such possibilities."