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Responses: 2
Capt Gregory Prickett
LTC (Join to see) - you're about 4 years too late. Weak president = Trump, taking money from China = Trump & family, especially Ivanka.

As to the name of the flu? The Spanish flu, Japanese encephalitis, Ebola, Zika, West Nile, and so on were all named for places, with varying problems, which is why there is now a naming convention for diseases (since 2015).

The reason Trump called it the China virus was a racist distraction, because he was being called out for not taking action to protect this nation. He's still not doing that.

By the way, the Spanish Flu is now H1N1, Japanese encephalitis is now JEV/SA-14, the coronavirus is SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19, and so on. Using the term China virus is racist, primarily because that's Trump's intent.
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SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
Call a spade a spade, the Wuhan Virus was an attack by China on the rest of the world. They proved their responsibility for the virus when they locked down local travel, and yet allowed all their people to travel to the rest of the world. They attacked the world, there is no debate about that.
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