Posted on May 15, 2017
Chelsea Manning to remain in Army, receive health care benefits after prison release
Edited 8 y ago
Posted 8 y ago
Responses: 21
He's a traitor pure and simple. I think the change, while drastic, is a dodge to garner sympathy. He/she deserves the fullest punishment under the law.
MCPO Roger Collins
Only our civilian overseers that have not served on AD could let this happen. There is no way to estimate lives lost and cost to recover from the damage done to our national security.
Total travesty of justice. This does not speak well of the Army's leadership. Obama gutted the military of its best and brightest and replaced them with PC obsessed "Yes men". Seems Trump has some work to do to get rid of these clowns!
The article talked about being an "unpaid Soldier" and using "excess leave." I can understand the amount of "Excess Leave" Manning must have racked up, but I've never heard the term "unpaid Soldier." Does this mean Manning has to pay fines that are larger than a PVT's paycheck (ie, "No Pay Due")? Or is this a new "thing" that the DoD has whipped up to allow Manning to collect medical benefits without actually doing Soldierly duties?
What MOS will manning be? Certainly not anything having to do with intelligence or computers! Where will Manning serve? This has FUBAR written all over it!
What MOS will manning be? Certainly not anything having to do with intelligence or computers! Where will Manning serve? This has FUBAR written all over it!
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
All very valid questions and something I've never heard of being done at any point of time! How does a traitor get special treatment like this ? Even medical for a transition ? What about TGs that have never broken any laws, they get no such government assistance but a Criminal does ? What about the rest of us that also obeyed the laws ?
SPC Madeline Nutting
I've seen this "unpaid soldier" status with a soldier who went awol. Its hard to say though because this is a more complex situation entirely.
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