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Responses: 3
Cpl Mark McMiller
Sounds like a bunch of made up BS to me.
MSgt Ken "Airsoldier" Collins-Hardy
MSgt Ken "Airsoldier" Collins-Hardy
>1 y
Cpl Mark McMiller – Study the video clip of Veteran Marine Robert David Steele being interviewed starting at 1:14.
Cpl Mark McMiller
Cpl Mark McMiller
>1 y
MSgt Ken "Airsoldier" Collins-Hardy - Well, like I said, what Steele -- if that's his real name -- is saying is made up BS. If you google him, you'll find that he also says that every terrorist attack we've had in the U.S. was orchestrated by our own government. Look at a few of the links regarding him and you'll see that his biographical information is inconsistent. His wiki says he served four years as a Marine Corps Ground Intelligence Officer before working as a CIA clandestine service officer for 10 years before being hired to set up the Marine Corps Intelligence Center. But the article I've linked says he served 20 years as a Marine Corps Ground Intelligence Officer and was the second-ranking civilian in Marine Corps intelligence. If you google the Marine Corps Intelligence Center, nothing comes up for it. And I can't really imagine the Marine Corps hiring someone with only 10 years as a CIA clandestine services officer to set up their intelligence center, if it actually exists, anyway. Where's the proof of his background or anything he says? He looks like a con artist to me.

MSgt Ken "Airsoldier" Collins-Hardy
MSgt Ken "Airsoldier" Collins-Hardy
>1 y
Cpl Mark McMiller – Thanks for your feedback, and keep up your research. Having taken the metaphorical 'Red Pill', I've seen and evaluated this OSINT already, and so far Steele passes muster. You're trying way to hard to be a persuader instead of simply a messenger that allows the receiver make their own determination.
Cpl Mark McMiller
Cpl Mark McMiller
>1 y
MSgt Ken "Airsoldier" Collins-Hardy - I'm just giving my opinion; not trying to persuade anyone. I would be interested in information that supports this guy's bonafides and assertions since I've been unable to locate any. I don't believe for a second that our government orchestrated any false flag terrorist attacks. Do you?
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1stSgt Nelson Kerr
So we are supposed to believe the ex-agent working for the Russian government's replacement for Pravda? We have our own Propaganda Minister now we don't need to pay attention to Russia's.
MSgt Ken "Airsoldier" Collins-Hardy
MSgt Ken "Airsoldier" Collins-Hardy
>1 y
1stSgt Nelson Kerr = Thanks for commenting!
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SFC George Smith
love the way the strange People are still complaining...
there was no accident involved...
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