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Responses: 3
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
LTC Eugene Chu Horrendous the Hate aimed at the LGBT Community!
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1SG Signal Support Systems Specialist
Some people have so much hate inside of them. Shame.
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SFC Casey O'Mally
I know the reaction I am setting myself up for, here, but I am ready for it...

The gunman allegedly killed her over a Pride flag. So what?

Is she any more or less dead than if she had been killed during a robbery? Killed over an American Flag or a cross in the window? Over her racist views and calling all African Americans the N-word? During a delivery? As an innocent bystander in a gang shootout?

What makes *this* killing more egregious than any other killing? What makes this murder more "hateful" than, say, a scorned lover? If this lady's spouse or kids hunt the gunman down and murder him does anyone honestly think there will be *less* hate in that murder?

Hate crimes do not exist. They are a made up concept to promote a narrative and push an ideology - and punish one.

Spitting on someone is a hateful act, regardless of why it was done. So is murdering someone, assaulting them, etc.

And sensationalizing certain crimes just because of the ideology of the victim (or the assailant), as is being done here, does the exact same thing - pushes a narrative and punishes an ideology.

I am truly saddened that my nation has come to the point of punishing thought.

Ok... now go ahead and (ironically enough) spew your hate at me.... I am ready for it.
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
1 y
Way to make it all about you. Typical of certain group of people...

How is "hate" to respond to you? It's the fact this woman was murdered simply for supporting LGBTQIA. It shows that community is STILL being targeted and STILL being attacked. Simply for existing. And anyone who supports them will be attacked.

There's really no point to go further with you on this as you don't seem intent to actually hear anyone else's views. Have a day.
SFC Casey O'Mally
SFC Casey O'Mally
1 y
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff it is not hateful to respond. It *is* hateful to respond in a hateful manner.

I have gotten more than a couple such hateful replies here on RP. And no single topic has earned me more unhinged vituperation than LGBTQIA+ - including replies you, yourself have written, SFC. So forgive me if I expected more of the same.

I am happy to hear other views. But those not based in facts or logic will be dismissed. Point in case, the concept that people are being attacked simply for existing.

It's not happening. People *are* being attacked for expressing views with which the attacker disagreed. And some of those views are as foundational as " I am gay." But people are also being attacked for liking West Coast rap better than East Coast rap. Or who they riot for on Sunday. Or being anti-war (or pro-war). Why is being attacked for loving men more heinous than being attacked for loving men somehow more heinous than being attacked for living another man's wife?

As far as making it about me, I was not trying to do so. But if that is how you see it, fine. Because it *is* about me. I am a member of the LGBTQIA community. I don't identify with the community, and I disagree with the agenda and goals that appear to be a priority for the majority of the community. But I am technically a member, therefore I have every right to express my opinion.
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
1 y
SFC Casey O'Mally - I honestly don't give a crap about any of this right now. You wanna call me hateful - that's your opinion. I could say plenty about the majority of you bigoted, misogynistic, hateful people on here who attack me. So to each his or her own. But I've never seen more full grown men cry, whine bitch and moan than I have on this forum.

If there were emojis I could give you a certain one of a certain finger.
SFC Casey O'Mally
SFC Casey O'Mally
1 y
You honestly don't give a crap - but are taking the time to comment.
I did not call you hateful, I said you have made many hateful comments. That isn't my opinion, that is the opinion of the moderators who have deleted your comments.

And then you call me bigoted, misogynistic, and hateful, while I have done none of the above, while using the highly pejorative "you people," to boot. I have not attacked you. You complain about me making it all about me - and then make my comment all about you. My comment included a pre-emptive "people will hate on me" then you took offense that I would say such a thing - and threw hate at me. Do you see the irony?

You have effectively sidetracked the conversation, though, so congratulations. Rather than discussing how, if at all, a murder motivated by anti-LGBTQIA+ sentiment is worse than a murder motivated by jealousy, you have made it about your feelings. Good job.
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