Posted on Aug 27, 2017
Border agents discover hidden tunnel near US-Mexico border after 30 people detained
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 6
MAJ Bryan Zeski
Again, everything about the election. At some point can we move beyond that and into actually doing something for the nation? When POTUS lets go of the wall issue, so will I. Fair enough?
MAJ Bryan Zeski
This guy really comes through in the clutch sometimes.... Like I said, when POTUS drops it, I'll drop it to. If it's important enough for him to tweet about, it's important enough to talk about. I mean, he is the President, right? What he says should mean something and be important to the nation - and especially to us military folks who call him Commander In Chief, right?
SFC Dave Beran
Dude you better watch it. First of all yeah the election. You lost. You keep bringing up crap about campaign promises. To deride the President. Items brought up before the election. It's okay for you to do this. But not anyone else. You think because your a major you are smarter than everybody. Not so atashi. You be pabo. Mommasan no like you. Go back camp. You hide in locker.
MSgt (Join to see)
MAJ Bryan Zeski - Simple, cut all Federal Funding to Mexico and divert it to the wall.
Then why do we need walls or fences around military bases, munition sites, nuclear power plants or your back yard??? TO DETER UNAUTHORIZED PEOPLE FROM ENTERING. Will it stop someone from digging under it, no. But it takes longer to dig a tunnel and chances are they will get caught. They also have seismic detection systems that can be put in place to detect people digging.
You ignorant libs need to realize a wall won't stop everything. If you have a better plan then present it to the White House.
MAJ Bryan Zeski
A wall won't stop most things. But it'll bring billions of dollars into billionaires pockets at my and your expense. Waste of $.
MAJ Bryan Zeski
SPC Anthony Schepis - Because it's the billionaires who own the companies that get the contracts to build the wall... I'm certain you've seen how well the government does in contracting to save the taxpayer money... like the $60,000 of golf cart rental for the Secret Service... that's $60,000 of your money and mine into a golf course owner's pocket.
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