Posted on May 24, 2018
Body cam footage contradicts woman's claim trooper sexually assaulted her; lawyer apologizes
Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 4
LCpl Shane Couch
Defamation of character is definitely what she has done. But sadly, I think this officer is going to keep away from pressing any charges in the ordeal. I think he wants to keep himself and his department out of the spotlight from any possible BS that may come from these anti cop groups. Personally, I would press charges. But these groups don't care about facts, and just go based off of what they hear. No proof needed for these individuals sometimes.
LTC (Join to see)
LCpl Shane Couch - This seems to be the new go to tactic to get out of whatever misdeed one has been caught at. In this case I believe she was stopped for suspected DUI. My concern is that if there are no consequences it will continue and grow. The women making false accusations need to pay for their actions.
Does she not realize that most law enforcement officials now wear body camera's. What is wrong with people these days.
LCpl Shane Couch
Some LEO's actually have to purchase their own cams if they want to have them. Sadly not all departments can afford to equip their officers with this tech at the moment. I have a friend that is a LEO and decided to purchase his own body and glasses cam, for his own protection.
What she did was horrible. I wish people would have the same reaction when they see a Police officer killing someone or using excessive force.
PO1 Don Gulizia
Are you saying that the next time a LEO kills a suspect, that there should only be outrage on social media and no protests or rioting in the streets? If so, I agree. The level of lawlessness, following these types of shootings/excessive force, needs to stop.
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