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Responses: 4
SFC George Smith
some excellent points are made and it is Most interesting and informative article...
... It's one thing to protest to make a Point it is an entirely different to take over the Movement and go to critical mass ot Meltdown stage... At that Point you loose your Support, Credibility... and validity...

... "... Tuesday's message was one Young has said before, but not to a group of younger people who may not be familiar with the plight Young's generation faced in pushing for equality. "You don’t get angry with sick people; you work to heal the system," Young told the Washington Post in August of last year. "If you get angry, it is contagious, and you end up acting as bad as the perpetrators."... "...
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SPC Kevin Ford
There is some good advice in there. One of the things BLM has gotten wrong is drawing attention to cases that are questionable instead of the rock solid ones. That hurts their credibility. However, since I suspect BLM is just a loose collection of people who have taken the moniker, I suspect it will be difficult to do any sort of thoughtful analysis on response.
SPC Kevin Ford
SPC Kevin Ford
>1 y
TSgt Frank Shirley - I'm talking about the ones they take up where it turns out the police were justified. They should be taking up the more clear cut cases, like this:

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SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
Edited >1 y ago
I agree 100% with what Andrew Young had to say. It seems He was always right on point during His time both in the civil rights movement and later in Government. I always admired Him for His courage and not being afraid to express His very intelligent views on what was right and not being intimidated by anyone on expressing those views. He was and is a leader.
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