Posted on Mar 25, 2022
Biden warns of 'real' food shortage risk over Russia's invasion into Ukraine
Posted 3 y ago
Responses: 7
The Biden administration’s war on oil is killing American farming. My daughter’s father in law farms. They can not fertilize their fields this year because of the high price of Fertilizer. The cost of operating farm equipment is much higher. This translates into higher food prices. The importation of cheap foreign beef is destroying our cattle industry.
It remains to be seen what the price of commodities will be as a result The challenge for farmers, at least the farmers in my family on both sides, has always been asset rich and cash poor. Hopefully they come through this OK
Ukraine is the bread basket of Europe. This war seriously jeopardizes the food security for neighboring Europe.
Here in the US, the Biden administration is trying to stifle any savings that we might have. Higher prices will blow our savings to continue living as we have been. Once that savings is gone, they want us dependent on the Government. At that point the government can remove all privatized land and we become Venezuela. End Game, Socialism on a scale not seen.
Here in the US, the Biden administration is trying to stifle any savings that we might have. Higher prices will blow our savings to continue living as we have been. Once that savings is gone, they want us dependent on the Government. At that point the government can remove all privatized land and we become Venezuela. End Game, Socialism on a scale not seen.
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