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Responses: 4
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
Well, I look at it this way, if the earth or universe comes to an end, I won't be around to care.
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
4 mo
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SGT Air Defense Radar Repairer
For every beginning there is an End. The thing is there is no definition for the "End". Yet understanding that a beginning and an end are nothing more than end points on a spectrum means there are many possible states that may be considered a beginning and an end between such endpoints of a spectrum. Of course aqll of this depends upon the perspective of the observer.
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SGT Kevin Hughes
Edited 4 mo ago
I love these "theories" that try to explain what is happening at the fringes of the Universe. We don't even know how big our Universe is...or what shape it has. And the JWT threw a Monkey wrench in a whole lot of these "maybe this or maybe that." Cosmology it probably the leading exciting Science right now, they found galaxies to big, to small and to old, and to young. On top of that, they found the two biggest structures in the Universe: The Great Circle and The Great Arch. if that isn't enough to bend your mind, it turns out the Universe doesn't look the same in every direction. Nope one "side" has less than a one percent difference in Mass than the other "side" does. That doesn't sound like much...but my friends who study this stuff tell me it is a real conundrum.

And like everyone else in this thread, I will be long gone by then, and probably won't care. LOL
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